It's been a challenging month thus far, for in addition to the challenges of our economy as it affects business, (and selfishly, my business), I have also been grappling with that ever present topic which we tend to push to the backs of our consciousnesses- Death...
I have three wonderful brothers-in law and this month two of them have had calamities strike their families. My oldest sister's husband lost his brother when he was struck by a car while riding his bike. My baby sister's husband lost his brother to a long illness, at age 37. As I pondered these events I came to again realize that we all suffer from the same desease from which there is no escape- that of mortality, and the death rate is 100%. We will all die, barring the return of the Lord, for those who believe... My brothers-in-law's brothers were both believers in Jesus Christ, and I do believe that they are in Heaven, in a far better place, now.
As I attended this most recent funeral I again realized how close my time is coming, as I consider my life in the grander scheme of things. David wrote in his Psalms that our life on this earth is like a breath of air escaping- it is that fleeting. I picture a frosty winter morning, standing outside and seeing my breath escape into the cold air, a warm vapor quickly disapated into the cold morning air... That is my life here on this earth in the grander scheme of Eternity... But I realized something else too- that on the day that I die, that I pass from this earth, that day is a day of celebration, for it is my birthday, my eternal birthday, for I will be reborn into a new body, a new life, with my Savior Jesus Christ, a birthday I will celebrate into eternity... I will not be lost to my friends and loved ones of this world; we will have only lost contact for a season, until that time that they join me in a far more glorious country, a country called Heaven. Indeed, my brothers have not lost their brothers, only lost contact for a short while, for a part of a breath, and then there will be a joyous reunion...
Food for thought...