I spent this last weekend up in Ontario, Wisconsin, canoeing the Kickapoo River on Saturday. The Kickapoo is a winding, snaking river, full of rocks, deadfalls, and other assorted pitfalls, all with the intent to challenge your skills as you navigate the river... It is a fun river to canoe, whether it's your first experience or fiftieth...

As I was sitting out on the porch of our rented log cabin Saturday night, just reminicing the trip, it occurred to me that life is alot like that river... Despite gravel bars, or deadfalls, or whatever, blocking the river, the river still managed to find its way over, under, or around whatever obstacle it might be. It occurred to me that that's how life is; no matter what obstacles are thrown in our path life continues on. It becomes our task, our job, to overcome the obstacles and continue on in the flow of life.
When we stopped for lunch we put over to the side of the river, tight against a rock face, and I remember how the river continued to flow by, constantly pulling at us to engage "the flow", and it took an effort on our part not to slip back into the current. Life is like that, always engaging us, inviting us to join in. When we decide to remove ourselves life will continue on, it will pass us by, until we re-engage ourselves and enter its flow once more...
Life is a flow, and we can ride with it and experience it in all its glory, or we can remove ourselves and stagnate off to the side, alone. Whatever the obstacle in our path, whatever is hindering you from experiencing the flow, work to overcome it and rejoin us in life... It's worth the effort!
Food for thought...