It's been a while since I last blogged, but life's not been stagnant... I went down south for a family get-together a few weeks ago and while playing in the hotel pool with extended family I landed on the edge of the pool and cracked a couple of ribs... What a miserable injury! There's nothing really to be done except wait for them to mend. I can't laay down to sleep so I sleep sitting in a chair. Coughing, sneezing, yawning are all sharply painful, like sticking a knife in my ribs. Just wrap and wait...
Needless to say, my patience has been streched pretty thin these last three weekss, but patience has never been my strong suit. Perhaps I'm going to need patience in my near future, and this is God's way of helping me grow mine... I don't know, but I won't be surprised if it works out that way. Meanwhile, I'm really getting tired of breaking bones... Lord, give me patience!