It's a sad day today, for the private sector in our American economy. By the narrowest of margins Obama was re-elected to a second term in the presidency. The Senate remains under the control of the Democrats, the House under the control of the Republicans. It is exactly the same dynamic we had prior to the election- and look how well that worked. Now the private sector is faced with the most divisive, polarizing racist president we've ever had, one who is determined to raise taxes on the private sector businesses- for that is the only place he can get more revenue from.
Don't believe the lies about making the top several percent "pay their share", for that's just all smoke and mirrors. If we went back to the Clinton rates for those top people the additional income is estimated to be able to run the government an additional eight days... Not the win-fall the president tried to lead the country to believe. So why raise those rates? Because that indiviual rate tranfers over to the business income tax rate and that means a huge tax increase for private small businesses. One estimate said that 97% of all small businesses will be adversely affected... Again, certainly not the champion of small business he (Obama) tried to present himself as being...
Small business drives job growth. Squeezing small business, as this administration is doing, is a job killer. Is it no wonder this has been a jobless recovery? I'm tired of hearing about how many jobs are being "created". The reality is it takes an additional 125,000 jobs per month just to keep up with the population growth. I wish the general population would take the time and effort to educate themselves- we might be able to dig ourselves out of this mess with proper knowledgeable leadership. Instead, almost half the country is getting government haandouts or assisstance of one kind or another and they won't vote for change if it means it might hinder that.
One woman interviewed said Obama was her hero, and when asked why she said, "Because I get Obama money". Obama money? Lady, that money doesn't come from Obama- it comes right out of the wallets of every hard-working American who pays their taxes... Obama just delegates it to those who's vote he can buy... When more than half the country is on government assistance of one kind or another then each working person is saddled with supporting two peeople. Want to fix the system in a hurry? If you don't pay taxes you don't get to vote. How will you be elected then Mr President?
Now I have to go. I have an "Obama Drove Me Out of Business" sale to plan...
Food for thought...