I'm old enough to remember President Richard Nixon and the whole scandal surrounding his administration. We have not seen such a mess as this current administration finds itself since the days of Tricky Dick. In fact, this administration may be a bigger mess- if that's at all possible! The only saving grace for Obama at this point is that so much is coming to light that some of the crap may fall through the cracks due to the overwhelming scope of the scandals uncovered...
So let's look at the thread that was pulled that started unraveling the sweater... Four Americans were killed in a terrorist attack at our mission in Bengazi. The initial reports were "terrorist attack". All the followup reports out of the region were" terrorist attack". The Obama line?- Spontaneous demonstration gone bad. For weeks Obama misled the country. Why? He was in the midst of a re-election campaign and news of a terrorist attack would have gravely damaged his re-election. So he lied. Why? He's a liar.
The cover-up attempt went bad, and stories began to leak out about Administration intimdation towards inddividuals who wanted to speak out... Now, in the midst of Congressional committee inquiry we're finding out how grossly incompetently the situation was handled by the State Department and Obama administration... And then, another tug on the string...
During the who Bengazi scandal another bomb is dropped... The IRS has been harassing and unduly scutinizing "conservative" groups vying for tax-exempt status. First the IRS reports that it was some mid- and low-level employees in the Cincinnati office. Upon further review- Washington DC aand two other offices are implicated! Response? No high level IRS execs knew of this. Upon even further review? Acting Director of the IRS Steven Miller knew about this practice for more than a year, and after we know he was told about it he either lied or misled Congress at least twice when questioned about it! So the Justice Department has opened an investigation to find out if criminal actions were committed. At the same time we find out that the IRS audited donors to Mitt Romney... And using the IRS to intimidate political opponents is an impeachable offense...

Let's fling one more bomb at the fan and see where the crap lands... Congress hasn't appropriated the billions and billions of dollars that it turns out Obamacare needs to be properly implemented and funded so now we learn that the Department of Health and Human Services, Obama's implementing arm, have been shaking down healthcare executives- healthcare execs in the private sector! Now, I'm no rocket scientist, but if the private sector funds this governmental program it seems only obvious that we've opened the door to several issues. First, the cost will be passed on to the consumer, for that's how the private sector works. So premiums have to go up. Second, those who do help fund will [rightly] expect preferential treatment from the government, which gives them an unfair competitive advantage over other private healthcare providers. Again, terribly shaky policy decisions that must flow from the top down...
Bottom line Barrack, I think you should walk away while the walking is possible. Just resign and move on, for the good of the country. But will you do that? Heavens no! You love the power, the limelight, and you've learned crooked politics and cronyism from the best- Chicago politics, so I expect you will ultimately go kicking and screaming, playing your race cards, telling Blacks and Hispanics, gays, and unwed mothers, liberals and youth to give you one more chance, for you are only looking out for them... Sorry, but even to all those you give handouts will sooner or later they'll
realize what poor choice you were...
Food for thought...