In his latest State of the Union speech Barrack Obama said we need to champion this crisis of global warming. We are on pace to spend some $22 billion dollars- that's 22 thousand millions- to try and halt a crisis that doesn't exist. To put it in perspective, that's more than double what Obama will spend to defend our borders. It is about $42,000 per minute, to combat a problem that doesn't exist. It's all a scam, and being perpetrated at the tax-payer's expense, for it is our money that is being spent on this scam...
Obama tweeted, on 5/16/2014, that 97% of scientists agree that global warming is real, and is man-made, and dangerous. John Kerry, Al Gore, and others jumped right on that and parroted the same statistic. The problem was, according to the Wall Street Journal, that the actual statistic was considerably less, like 1% of all scientists thought global warming was a problem, and caused by man... In response, over 31,000 scientists signed a petition that, in essence, stated that there is no convincing scientific evidence that humans cause global warming. Geez Pres, you only missed by 96%. But it makes great scare tactics...
So what is the figures for global warming? NASA has recorded the earth temperatures for the last 35 years. Since 1979 until now we've experienced an increase of .36 degrees, and that was all between 1979 and 1998. Since then we've had 17 years of decreasing temperatures.Since 1998 our temperature has now dropped 1.08 degrees. While excepting his Nobel prize for his work on global warming in 2007 Al Gore famously predicted that our icecaps were "falling off a cliff" and could be gone within seven years- that's by the end of 2014. Well Al, thanks for the scare tactics. As of 2014 our ice caps have increased 43-63% (depending on season) since 2007. We've got additional ice caps larger than the state of Alaska...
So why all the outrage over global warming now? Because politicians and their cronies are getting rich off of it, pure and simple. We now have a 22 billion dollar per year industry to correct a non-existent problem. That's a lot of payola, and it's coming directly out of the pockets of John and Jane Q. Public. The reality is climate change has always been a part of the equation, whether it was the "mini ice-age that hit Europe between the 1600"s and 1800's to the "dust bowl" droughts of the 1930's here in America. But man does not cause climate change. Man cannot alter the earth's rotation from night to day, nor its revolution around our sun, which creates temperature fluctuations, seasons, et al. Rather climate change occurs beyond the scope of man, as in the heating or cooling of our sun, sunspots, etc, or the devastating impact of a collision with another heavenly body, as theorized was the cause of the great ice age that wiped out dinosaurs...
Let's recognize global warming for what it is- scare tactics to aid in a money grab by crooked politicians and their cronies to deal with a non-existent problem that needs no answer.
Food for thought...