Friday, December 15, 2017

I have been absent from the blogging scene for a while now, and extend my apologies to anyone who had been interested in reading something new. It is not without reason however, and I'd like to explain my absence. Since even before my retirement several years ago my daughter had encouraged me to write a book- she even said she'd read it!- (which, I figured, meant two sales anyway!). Well, after a long and sometimes laborious process things finally came together and I wrote a book, submitted it to a publisher, and had it accepted. After a few rewrites, editing, and corrections it finally made it through the process and into the cover artwork and design. I'm happy to say that it is now in the"hard printing" stage and will be available in about six weeks!
The book is entitled, "THE ABCs OF INTENTIONAL LIVING" and is a practical, Christian-based book on how to live within your means, make the best use of your time, and how to be more productive and happy with your time and life. It should be available at all brick and mortar stores, like Barnes and Noble ,etc., and also from Amazon. The book is $12.95 and the e-book is $9.99. I really appreciate the years of support and if you think it may be a help to you please pick up a copy!
I'll continue my blogging and hopefully be more diligent in the future! Thanks to all who read....
