Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Tis the Season...

As we approach another Christmas I'm finding this one different from ones past. This year, with the prospect of not traveling to see family up in the cold and snowy north, nor having any family coming to visit me in warm and sunny Florida I find myself facing the prospect of spending Christmas alone. Strangely, this doesn't upset me at all, for tho I love family and spending time with loved ones I am looking forward to being able to intentionally focus on the season- its meaning, its significance, and its impact on my life. All too often we blow through this season, busy with buying presents, decorating home and office, parties, baking and cooking, visiting friends and family... it can just be a blur, until after Christmas we sit back and blow a huge sigh of relief that we survived another season.

But what is lost in all the hustle and bustle is the reason for the celebration. Jesus was born. Jesus, part of our Godly Trinity took on the cloak of humanity to live among us, show us how to live, and ultimately pay the price for our sin. Jesus made it possible for me to communicate directly with my God, to seek forgiveness for my sin, and to rest assured that my eternal destiny lies safely with Him. Without Christmas there is no Easter, there is no personal reconciliation, there is no hope of eternal security. And in the light of eternity, my few years on this earth are but a  blip- so Jesus' selfless act is the single biggest gift I could ever receive. This is worthy of remembrance, this is worth the time to slow down and reflect, to appreciate, and to be grateful. It is a time to give God the awe and reverence He so justly deserves for the sacrifice He made. This season I hope to celebrate Christmas with my God.
Food for thought...