Let me begin by saying that I am a registered Independent, a fiscal conservative and a social moderate. I believe in voting for that person or candidate that seems best suited for the office they are pursuing. That said, I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats, and once, even a Libertarian. With that said, there are currently only two Democratic Congressional members that I would consider voting for, had they been in my district, and not one Democratic Senator currently serving. They are, all but the two, an embarrassment to their party.
I'm basing these comments based on the voting to codify the Title IX executive order signed by President Trump. The order gives protection to girls and young women by disallowing biological men from participating in women's sports or allowing them access to women's locker rooms just because they "identify" as female. Only two House members voted with Republicans to pass it on to the Senate, then not one Democratic Senator voted to protect women's sports. Then, later that evening all the Democratic women who showed up for the President's address to both houses of Congress. came wearing pink in a show of solidarity for women's rights- perhaps the biggest display of hypocrisy ever shown by our "public servants". My question to these Democrats is, do you all really believe this wasn't good for our young ladies, or is your distain or hate for Donald Trump stronger than your desire to protect and honor the will of your constituents You see, national poll after national poll shows the American people are for this bill to the tune of 80% for vs !6-17% against. Strictly among Democrats the percent who favor is still 68%. So why are you choosing to almost unanimously defend the minority position?
While you answer that question, let's add these- Why didn't even one Democrat show appreciation for any of the courageous Americans or the Gold-Star families that were honored at the President's speech last night (March 4,2025)? Is your hate for the President, after eight years or more of trying everything possible and failing to keep him out of the White House so great that you would rather disregard the will of your constituents who voted you into office to vote their will just to rob Trump of a possible political "victory"/ Or are the majority of you, despite knowing in your gut that many things being done are, or should be, bipartisan supported, are you too afraid to vote the will of your constituents over the will of a small but loud minority of progressives in your party? Are you human sheep who can't make a decision on your own? The question you need to answer is, are you the party of Hate, or the party of Progressives? And I might add, the hate seems to be rooted in your progressives.
You are no longer the party of the people- Republicans, thanks to the drawing power of Donald Trump, has wrested that title from you. You have lost your identity, and you have lost your direction. You are sliding further and further to the left, to the views and policies of Socialism, and losing those centrist members that appeal to main-stream America to either Independence, the Republican party, or retirement. And the left gets louder, and the rest of you follow, either not realizing the hypocrisy of your party, or simply not caring. Our last election was repeatedly highlighted with the Hollywood elites telling America to vote for you, not from the heart but because you spent millions to buy their message. These aren't the people of the "Party of the People", they are the millionaires and billionaires, the elites that you have said were the party of the Republicans for decades but that you own now. You have lost your direction and your message, and all America is hearing now is hate, hate, hate. And the left grows louder. If there are any of you left in the Democratic party that have a spine and a sense of right and wrong I challenge you to stand up and represent your constituents, to take a chance and buck the left, and vote to protect our women's sports, to find fraud and eliminate waste in government and government funded programs, to protect our border and complete the wall, and support peace before we end up in world war three. Dare to be bipartisan! You might just find others following your lead, and you might realize your direction once again.
Food for Thought...