Satin soft sheets, warm and inviting, feeling butter-smooth as I slip inside...
A fire dancing in the fireplace, or better yet, the smell of woodsmoke and the bite of an autumn breeze on the back of the neck as my cheeks glow rosy by the firepit on the deck...
That first sweetly tart explosion on the tongue as I bite into a chocolate-covered strawberry...
The smell of fresh-cut grass and the satisfaction of a lawn well-done...
The caress of someone special, velvety soft kisses...
The bite of an ice-cold Diet Coke on a hot summer day...
In a canoe, out on the water as day begins. Sitting quietly as the deer come to the water's edge to drink; the hawks saoring high above, fish jumping here and yon aroun
d me...

A hug from my daughter...
The tension of a thrilling movie; the spell of a gripping novel...
And so many more tantalizing and teasing my mind. And yet I'm reminded, I'm not really alone, just me and my thoughts, for Winston is cuddled snuggly on my lap...
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