I think I was born too late in another respect- I am just not geared for this "instant" society we live in... I have learned that there is great joy in taking things slow, enjoying the trip rather than total focus on the destination. We are in such a hurry to aquire "things" that we miss out on the truly valuable things in life... There is anticipation in having to wait, that only heightens our appreciation when finally we are able to partake... Baking from scratch always tastes better than "box" baking- they can't box the care and love you put in to your own creation...
I'm finding I'm in the wrong era in the dating world now too... Everyone is in a hurry to meet someone, to get in a relationship that they don't take the time to find out if they really like the other person, or if they are indeed liked in return! How can one be a lover if not first a friend? It's a mystery to me, but not something on which I am willing to compromise myself... Must be true to myself, no? I think we lose so much when we forfeit time in building our relationships... I see so many women literally begging for romance in their relationships, but failing to understand that romance is a product of time and desire on the part of a male... We don't just "get romantic"- it is a natural oveflow of the heart when we seek out and pursue the one who catches our fancy. Romance is part of the mating ritual- the act of seducing the will, the winning of the heart of the one we cherish and desire. Yet it takes time to develop, and in this "instant gratification" society time is the first casualty, and following right behind, romance...
As long as I'm rambling, what is it that draws women to the "bad boys"? Is it that they think they're wild, and the woman entertains some hope of taming them? Is it that they think they are more exciting, because they could "get" any woman, but they've chosen you? Here's a newsflash- bad boys are bad. They are selfish and self-serving.They've learned how to manipulate and use women and they are smart enough to get out before they are "tamed"... And in the end you get hurt, because you cared and they didn't... Take it from a former bad boy... In my younger days I dated many women, broke many hearts, and today it is not something I'm proud of. Today I'm proud that I've learned that behavior was destructive, and hurt people. Today I'm proud that I've learned the importance of being vulnerable, of being sensitive to my partner's needs, and wants, and desires. I've learned that it is more important to treasure each night with one woman, than a different woman every night... I guess I've become boring...
As long as you can continue to beat the tar out of everyone at Wii golf, I don't think you will be considered boring :-).
Dating - it is what I refer to as fast food dating - not any better for you than a trip through McDonald's drive through is - but I have found that everyone has to learn that on their own.
You are wise my Friend, and it is so true. There is no substitute for quality time in a relationship... Take care of yourself!
I don't believe you became boring, I believe you grew up and realized what you wanted out of life. I too believe a relationship cannot be rushed. A relationship builds over time.
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