Today I failed, which is nothing new for me, for I'm always trying one thing or another. Failure is always an option when you're willing to try. Too often we don't experience life to its fullest because we're afraid of failure. There's not a darn thing wrong with failing; the wrong comes in when we allow it to defeat us. Failure is one of the greatest tools we have for building character, for develo
ping endurance, for gaining appreciation for our victories. When we pick ourselves up after a failure and try again, and again, until we succeed, we develop that confidence in ourselves that we can and will conquer anything. Failing on the road to success builds our faith in ourselves, and ultimately our self-worth, and self-esteem. Yet fear of failure often keeps us on the sidelines, a spectator instead of a participant, living life vicariously through those with the courage to try what we will not. We see their success, and can, in some small measure, share it with them; however, they get the full rush from their victory, the full joy and satisfaction that only participating can bring... It was said that Thomas Edison failed over a thousand times before perfecting the incandescent lightbulb. When asked if he grew discouraged at all his failures he replied (to effect) that he didn't fail a thousand times- he discovered a thousand different ways not to build a lightbulb...
So I failed, and thought, "Back to the drawing board". Then a sobering thought hit me- what did people go back to before drawing boards were invented?
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