So I'm watching the Sunday morning news shows today and Meet the Press had first Speaker of the House Bohner followed by Obama's representative Gene Sperling, talking about the sequester cuts. I was a little bit proud of Bohner as he stood up to the moderator Gregory as Gregory repeatedly attacked him on the Republicans blame for the situation. Bohner was right- twice last year the House passed bills to deal with the sequester cuts and neither the Senate Democrats nor the President put forth any alternate plan to deal with it. Both sides blame the other for the lack of a deal, but the reality is that negotiations cannot go forward with only one side proposing a solution. The way the political process works is the House passes a bill and if the Senate doesn't like it they pass their version, then the two sides sit down and hammer out a compromise. When Senate Democrats repeatedly fail to respond with their version then negotiations are futile, for there is no way for House Republicans to know what they're negotiating against. Forget all the rhetoric and place the blame where it belongs- on politicians that refuse to do what they were mandated to do.
But back to the sequester cuts- Bohner rightfully pointed out that the deal struck was that the Republicans would give on increasing revenues, which they did the first of the year, and the President would give on cutting spending- which he is fighting tooth and nail. The President got all his tax increases for Obamacare, then an additional $6oo billion the first of the year. Now, when it's his turn to man up and keep his word, he's changing the game and insisting on more "revenues" (or call it what it is- more taxes), before he will honor the tax cuts. The Republicans balked at this, because they honored their end of the deal, so the President again demagogued them as the reason these cuts are going through. But here's the facts- not lies, or rhetoric- the Republicans honored and upheld the deal, the President did not. The Republicans passed a bill to give the President flexibility to move the cuts around to do the least amount of damage and the President refused it! Why? So he can play the political "blame game" down the road and blame Republicans for any pain the sequester might cause.
So does our President (and by extention, his administration) lie? Let's look at the facts-
1, Obama claimed the sequester cuts were not his idea, they were Congress. They were his.
2. Obama claimed the cuts would never happen if he were re-elected- he would not allow it. Not only did they happen, they happened because he refused to honor the deal he proposed after he got what he wanted out of it.
3. Obama claimed massive layoffs, job losses, etc if the sequester happened then Friday, March 1st, he said it won't be the apocalypse some were forcasting. (He also said he will be sure that Republicans' districts will feel the effects of the cuts first).
4. The administration released hundreds, if not thousands, of criminal illegal aliens tabbed for deportment into our society because they couldn't afford to keep them locked up due to sequester cuts. They were released prior to any cuts taking effect.
5. The Administration claimed teachers were being laid off and told they "won't be back in the fall" due to the cuts. When pressed for specifics they quoted a W Virginia district. Any cuts had nothing to do with the sequester cuts.
6. Many, many statements the President has made not only bear no truth, but are politically motivated to cast blame on the Republicans. Instead of constantly fighting his political opponents perhaps someone should teach him how to reach out and find common ground to compromise on. Not everything has to be "my way or the highway" Mr. President.
In conclusion, I believe I have discovered a foolproof way for Americans to tell when Obama or other politicians are lying. Watch their lips- when they move, they lie.
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