Monday, April 15, 2013


Imagination is our spice to life. We develop our ability to imagine as children, as we transport ourselves to fantasy worlds, become caped super-heroes with the aid of little more than a towel, where our dreams become our reality, at least for a short while... Imagination gives us the ability to dream, to hope beyond our circumstance...
Yet as we get older, worldlier, and some might say more cynical, what becomes of our imagination? For it is still there, but now we employ it in a far different manner. Now, thanks to our experiences, we find our imagination worries over life, over our situations, often creating conflict before any ever exists... Our imagination takes in those signals around us, those directional indicators life throws out, and plants them in the fertile soil of our imagination. We imagine multiple scenerios of what might happen, often settling on that worst case scenerio, when the reality is that the vast majority of times those worries are merely fears that never materialize... While it is true that sometimes those things we fret about happen they are the exception, not the rule.
When Jesus told us not to let our hearts be troubled, to not be afraid of life's trials and tribulations, he was talking about this very thing. Don't let your imagination run away with you- don't fret stuff. After all, the Father doesn't need to imagine what will happen to you, for He already knows. For if you are His child you rest safely in His hand, and His desire is community with you, just loving you. Not much to fret about there, huh?, if we have the faith to only believe...
Food for thought...

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