As I get older I'm amazed at how fast time passes, and often wonder what happened to my summer, or lament on things I didn't get done that I wanted to accomplish, wondering where the time went. All too often I'm distracted by my past. I tell myself I'm going to do things as I look to the future, yet often forgetting that one unchangeable truth- life is happening now. Sometimes I find myself talking to someone, or doing some task, and my mind is on a dozen other things, other places, distracted by was or is to come.
Life is happening now, all around us, and it is in our best interest to learn to live in the moment, to be aware of now, and all that is happening around us. This is life, and this is where our joy and contentment lie. The past is gone, the future may never come, but we have today. We need to learn to own it. By owning each day, by doing what we can right now, in the present, to make our lives better, is the secret to a better tomorrow. No one owes you anything more than you have today. Take advantage of what you have while you have it and refocus yourself on now.

On a separate note, totally unrelated to the topic of this blog, I wanted to share two quotes I read recently, because I found them delightful. The first was from Lawrence Peter who said, "By the time a man realizes that his father was usually right, he has a son who thinks he's usually wrong". The second is even more profound; it comes from John Andrew Holmes who said, "It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others".
Food for thought...
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