I am as frustrated as anyone over the seeming endless gridlock in Washington and for a long time I wondered why seemingly reasonable can't somehow get along. As an independent voter, and a fiscal conservative I often voted for the candidate that best reflected my views despite their political affiliation. In my thinking that was the most responsible way I could affect change with my vote. However, it has become increasingly clear that when getting to Washington something happens to the ideology of politicians and suddenly they become partisan instead of responsible. I will repeat that thought- it is not possible to be responsible and partisan as a politician. Partisan politicians are like sheep- stupid animals easily manipulated by the will of the shepherd...
I was watching the Sunday morning news shows this morning and Dick Durban, the #2 Democrat in the Senate was asked if the Republicans were 100% wrong and he and his Democrats were 100% right and while he didn't answer directly (as any good politician learns not to) it was clear he felt his side was completely in the right, as was noted by the host, Dick Gregory. His Republican counterpart, to his credit, said there is blame on both sides... Dick Durbin only needs to look in the mirror to see where the majority of blame lay- not because of ideology or difference of opinions, but because of attitude.
For a political system in a democracy to work there must be compromise and the willingness to negotiate. The gridlock we face in Washington is because we've become so partisan that compromise has become a dirty word. And "negotiation" has become an accusation rather than an option. It certainly doesn't help when our "leader", our President comes out publicly and repeatedly saying he refuses to negotiate with the "other side". Instead he casts all the blame for Washington's problem on them when, in reality, it begins directly with him! I guess when politicians are on the campaign trail they can say whatever they need to to get (re-)elected without any regard to the truth. I remember Obama promising to "bring Washington together", and to "be transparent" in his administration... What a liar! Not only has he been the most divisive president ever- constantly blaming past the administration, or the current Republican house for his lack of leadership and poor record, but he's also pressed some of the most "back room politics" that Washington has ever seen. The perfect example is the affordable care act, better known as Obamacare. Let's look...
This "transparent" president didn't have the votes to pass this massive train wreck of legislation so instead of working it into something acceptable to the majority he and his Democratic puppet Nancy Pelosi shoved it through using very devious and unscrupulous procedural legislation. Pelosi even told congressmen, "If you want to know what's in this vote for it and you can see it." How's that for transparent? Now, our President has chosen to exclude big business and congress form Obamacare, while forcing the rest of us to join or be penalized- despite the fact that his administration isn't close to ready to handle the rollout, as we saw as the on-line site crashed in a matter of hours. But what is the real reason that Obamacare was forced upon us? Was it a desire for "affordable healthcare", as touted? No, because already we find premiums are higher and coverage poorer than before. So why?
In a word- power. Obamacare is a power grab by Obama. I read a quote this past week that socialized medicine is the first step toward Socialism. By controlling healthcare the Government controls about one-sixth of our economy. The more people the government gets dependent on them the greater control it exercises over their lives. We are a step closer to Socialism thanks to Obamacare and that is the true agenda of Obama. He believes in taking from the rich to give to - wait, he just wants to take from the rich and give to the government, because he is the government! In his five years he hasn't made thing better for the middle class, like he campaigned on, and clearly the "rich" are carrying a heavier tax burden under his administration. So who's he helping? Himself, his administration, and his cronies in Congress. No one else. He's never held a private sector job so he only knows government handout. That's why he wants to grow government- it's all he knows! But the reality is he has no business being in politics- as is true for many congressmen from both sides of the aisle- if they are not willing to negotiate in good faith or compromise. The art of compromise is the benchmark of a successful politician (see Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton).
Food for thought...
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