Finally an appeals court with some kahunas. The US Court of Appeals in Chicago reversed a lower court decision this week and effectively banned the contraceptive mandate in the new healthcare law, stating it did violate owners' and corporations' religious rights by forcing them to cover contraceptive costs when they are pro-life. The response by the ACLU was precious:
“This decision is a disappointment,” Louise Melling, deputy legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union, said in an e-mailed statement. The organization said it filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the case. “Your boss shouldn’t be able to discriminate against you because of what he or she believes, plain and simple. People are entitled to their own religious beliefs, but they don’t have the right to impose those views on others.”
Louise, I agree with you that each individual is entitled to their own religious beliefs, plain and simple. To that end I say that if your beliefs conflict with those of your employer you have every right to find employment elsewhere. There's nothing that says you have to stay and work in an environment that has contradictory views to your own. As a small business owner I say this to you Louise; How dare you, or the government, or employees, or anyone try and impose your beliefs on me, plain and simple. How dare you tell me what I can or can't believe in my own company! I am creating the jobs, paying the employees, paying taxes, positively adding to the economy, and I have every right to run my business as I see fit within the confines of the law. Who are you, or your organization to tell me what I can or can't project as a business? If an employee doesn't like our work environment they're welcome to leave. By the same token, if they accept my money, and if they like their job and desire to stay, then they are tacitly accepting my/the company position. That's life in the private sector.
And, to remind you Louise, we were established One Nation Under God by our founding fathers. Did you get that, you and your ACLU cronies? Under God- not despite God. You were allowed to live and flourish in America, despite your contrary beliefs, because we accepted all. Now you consistently and constantly try to remove God from our world. I believe in separation of church and state, but that's far different from "elimination of church from state". It would pay for you and yours to learn that distinction too.
Food for thought...
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