Hey Washington, are you interested in an opinion from Middle-America? I've discussed this with my contemporaries and we all seem to agree to one extent or another, to varying degrees, to the following:
Illegal immigration is an issue that plagues our nation and needs to be addressed. We've listened to talk of amnesty, of deportation, of securing our borders, and all the "compromises" being floated in and out of Washington. We've heard that criminal checks should be run and those with criminal pasts deported, while those without offered some sort of amnesty. We've seen nothing getting done. Here's a viewpoint from the heartland...
First of all, I sympathize with those here illegally who were brought here as children, and who are now adults, and have really only known this country as their home. They should be allowed a path toward citizenship, for they were not offered a choice to come here, legally or not. But those who entered our country illegally as an adult, who made that choice, that is a different story. I say run your background checks for illegal activity. You will find every single illegal alien has criminal activity in their background, for the very act of illegally entering our country is a crime- that's why they're called illegals! And they should be treated as criminals. After all, as citizens, if we break the law we are arrested and prosecuted, then serve time for our crimes. We pay a penalty, we bear the stigma and social repercussions from being a lawbreaker. What happens to these illegals though, is almost incomprehensible to good, law-abiding citizens.
We take our illegals and offer them free or reduced housing, free medical, schooling for their children, hot lunch programs, food stamps- all kinds of government handouts. We have citizens homeless and starving that our government ignores while handing out billions in aid to illegals. Meanwhile, the illegals are allowed to set up businesses, pay no taxes, send money "home" to their families in other countries, all at tax-payer expense. Here's a solution: Seize the property and assets of illegal aliens, deport those who entered our country willfully as adults, and offer them a window of opportunity (a specific time frame) to apply to enter our country legally and apply for any seized assets and property. But before any property and assets are returned the "now legal" alien should have to pay their fair taxes and penalties, just like a citizen would.
Also, our government should immediately stop all the subsidies, the handouts, the freebies to illegals. We keep hearing all this talk of needing to raise the debt ceiling because we can't afford our "obligations" . It is not our obligation to house and feed and medically care for people who willfully and specifically choose to break the law, and, under the law, should not even be here. Nor should our obligation be to offer foreign aid to other countries if we can't meet the obligations we have at home. Washington need to get their priorities right, get our own house in order. We need politicians with enough backbone to balance a budget, to trim the pork, to set our course straight again. The answer isn't to throw more money at our problems, it's to be good stewards of what has been entrusted to you. From the White House to the Congress, you all are failing America.
Food for thought...
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