I had a conversation with a customer, clearly Democratic, who once again blamed George HW Bush for all our Iraqi problems, stating that we wouldn't be in this mess if not for his interference in Iraq in search of "phantom" weapons of mass destruction. When I said it was the view of Republicans and Democrats alike that this was a threat he called me ignorant, and said I didn't know what I was talking about- the Democrats DEFINITELY did not believe or support the threat of WMDs. So to my learned friend, please allow this ignorant person to enlighten you with concrete, non-disputable, easy to corroborate facts, Please see the following list and see if any of these Democrats, who spoke out against Iraq and Saddam Hussein and his WMDs, and the need to ACT, rings a bell...
1. MADELEINE ALBRIGHT- Secretary of State under Clinton, 2/18/1998 at Columbus, OH Town Hall meeting
2. BILL CLINTON- President, USA, on 2/17/1998 at Arlinton, VA, addressing a Joint Chiefs of Staff and Pentagon
3. HOWARD DEAN- DNC Chairman on 1/31/1998 on CBC/PBS "The Editors"
4. SANDY BERGER- National Security Advisor to Bill Clinton, on 2/18/1998 at Columbus OH Town Hall meeting
5. NANCY PELOSI- (D-CA) on 11/17/2002 on NBC's "Meet the Press"
6. JAY ROCKEFELLER- (D-WV) on 10/10/2002 on the Senate floor addressing the Senate
7. JOE BIDEN- (D-DE) on 8/4/2002 on NBC's "Meet the Press"
8.HARRY REID- (D-NV) on 9/18/2002 on CNN's "Inside Politics"
9. HILLARY CLINTON- (D-NY) on 9/15/2002 on NBC's "Meet the Press"
10.JOHN EDWARDS- (D-NC) on 1/7/2003 on MSNBC's "Buchanan & Press"
11. EVAN BAYH- (D-IN) on 3/7/2003 on Fox News "The O'reilly Factor".
In each and every one of these DOCUMENTED filmed interviews these leading Democrats spoke out against Saddam and his WMDs and our need to remove him from power or remove the threat he causes to America. So the next time you "well-informed" Democrats want to "get all up in my grill" and blame everything on Bush and the Republicans check the list and see what your "leaders" thought when it was politically correct to believe in WMDs. I'm just glad Bush had the kahunas to do what all these Democratic "leaders" felt was necessary but lacked the conviction to actually do something about it.
Rant over. Food for thought....
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