Thursday, July 23, 2015


We are a goal-oriented society, driven by our goals and dreams. Graduating high school and on to college, Graduating college and entering the work place, to become that which we dreamed of becoming through all our years of toil and study. We strive to accumulate wealth, prestige, honors, so that our Golden years will be happy years... but they won't.

For you see, life doesn't happen when we achieve our goals. Our happiness is not found in the culmination of our dreams. Meeting goals leads to a sense of emptiness. So where is happiness found? Where is life the grandest? It is here, and now, as we struggle to to achieve, as we push ever forward in hopes of achieving... Life, and happiness is happening now. It is our job to recognize it and embrace it. I've heard people say things like, "Where have the years gone?", or, "I never really knew my kids", all because they were so caught up in the dream that they missed life as it happened all around them. Life is now. Happiness is found in recognizing life, and embracing the good as it happens. A baby's first word or step, a delicious meal prepared by your mate, a humming bird feeding outside your window, a gentle caress... there  are a multitude of things happening all around us each and every day that can bring a smile to our lips or put a song in our heart. We need to be aware, to live in the moment, to embrace that life happening around us to really find happiness. Life and happiness are not in the meeting of our goals, our dreams, it is in the struggle, the journey, the path to get there.

Living in awareness of life, embracing each day, each moment, and finding our moments of happiness there fills our lives with memories. In my relationships I've had both positive and negative memories occur, which is normal. But I've learned to take those negative memories and couch them between two positive ones- something good that happened prior, and something good that happened afterwards- and I've found that the bitterness of the negative memory, and often the memory itself, fades away and I'm left with pleasant memories of days gone by. And that's where our happiness in our Golden years is found, in the memories of all that was good in our journey. So don't miss out on life today hoping that it'll be grander tomorrow, for it won't, and you will have robbed yourself another day, and potentially many moments of future memories,,, Seize the day, live in the moment, stop and smell the roses... you'll be glad on day that you did.

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