The election is over, the final numbers are in. America was divided almost equally before the election, it seems to be just as equally divided after the election of Donald Trump as our 45th President. The difference is this though- prior to the election the Democrats were making a HUGE issue out of whether Trump and his supporters would accept the results of the election when Hillary Clinton won. They said the only way to heal our country and move ahead was for the loser to graciously accept the will of the people and recognize the results as true and valid.
Oops. Hillary lost, and these same people who condemned Trump before the election for actions not yet committed are now guilty of the very thing they condemned Trump for what they thought he would do. It turned out that Trump showed humility and graciousness in victory, while Hillary's followers violently protested, refused to recognize Trump as president, cried all over social media, and threatened to leave the country. I guess the Bible was right again, when Jesus asked those critical of others how can they see the speck of sawdust in their brother's eye when they have a plank in their own?
I want to say this, to all those so upset with the election results: first, to those average Joes, like me- we have survived, as a nation the terms of 44 presidents prior to this new one, and we will survive the term of Donald Trump. Do not let the emotion of a dirty, mud-slinging, corrupt election define who you are or what you are. Do not allow an election to separate you from family or friends, those whom you care about and those who care about you, just because there were political differences. You still need each other, you need the support we can give each other to work through the tough times we face. Let's move forward together.
Second, let me say to all those celebrities out there who have threatened to leave the country if Trump won- please go. Your over-blown sense of importance is grating to me. You see, you exist in your ego inflated life for one reason- to entertain me, to entertain people. You plat act for my pleasure, or sing songs for my pleasure, and when I'm done you go back in your little plastic case until the next time I think you can entertain me. I think all too often your playacting extends into your reality and you seem to think you're above the rest of us. Well. you're not. As fast as your fame comes it can go, so if you don't want to live in the greatest country in the world, where you're free to pursue your dreams, then by all means go! We existed before you and will be here long after your star has faded. So until then, make good on your threats and leave, or start doing your part to help heal this great country.
As for the media, they can play the most critical role in aiding in the healing of our country, or the continued divisiveness. Our media exploited every opportunity to defame Trump prior to the election, because, for the most part, our media is far left leaning and the overwhelming majority clearly favored Hillary and wanted her to win. Allegations against Trump were reported as truth, and when later debunked as lies we heard nothing about it. Hillary's pay-for -play actions while Secretary of State netted her and her foundation hundreds of millions of corrupt dollars; Hillary destroyed subpoenaed evidence and devices, her husband interfered in the FBI investigation, and the Justice Department protected her by refusing to impanel a Grand Jury which would have given teeth to the investigation, yet the media covered these crimes with the barest of detail. Still, their favored child lost. Now it's time for fairness, for our media to step up and offer support to our new president rather than seek to tear him down/ If they do, it could set the tone for healing. If they don't we can expect more protests and divisiveness- only from the left, not the right.
As a registered Independent, a fiscal conservative and a social moderate, I say to my fellow Americans, both on my left and my right- let's step up together, arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder, united in these next four years, and make this country whole once again. It's time to stop being defined by elections, by parties, and be defined as Americans!
Food for thought...
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