I am often amazed at how our finite minds try to tackle infinite concepts. God, in His very nature, is infinite, and we are unable to even begin to comprehend Him, aside from those attributes that He chooses to share with us through his Word, the Bible...And yet, people still ask questions like, "If God can do anything then can He make a rock so heavy that He can't lift it?" And the answer, of course, is yes. My God, the Infinite Creator of our universe, can certainly do something so mundane. Don't ask me how, for my finite mind cannot grasp it, but because He can do anything then that is certainly within the scope of His power. Recently I watched an interview of a man, (who I cannot remember his name so as to give him proper credit for his answer), and one panel member asked him, "Where God comes from?" Now I wish I could give his answer verbatim, but I cannot, so the gist of the answer will have to do.
He started out by saying that we live on a continuum, and thus are bound by time, space, and matter. These things define our existence. God however, is not bound by any of these things, for He exists outside our continuum, and indeed created them. He is not bound by them, and if He were, he would be finite also, and certainly not worthy of our worship. Then he explained what, when, and where God created the continuum that defines our existence. The what (matter), the when (time), and the where (space) are all found in what he called God's trilogy of trilogies

Let's look at the very first words God gave us in His Word. The first ten verses of Genesis chapter one read, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". When? In the beginning, the start of time, which consists of past, present, and future-one trilogy. Where? The heavens- defined by specific length, and depth, and width- the second trilogy. And What? The earth, consisting of solids, liquids, and gases- God's third trilogy.
As Creator, God is clearly outside theses boundaries that He created, much like a parents are outside the boundaries they create for their children. Children may not understand their boundaries, and often test them, but a good parent knows they are there for the protection and well-being of the child.In the exact same way our Heavenly Father does not explain all to us, but we can rest in the assurance that He has only our best interests at heart. If we could explain God then there would be no mystery to Him, no reason for our adoration and worship. Someday, for those who believe in Him, and call Son Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior, someday the Apostle Paul tells us we will know fully, even as we are fully known. Now we see in part, and prophesy in part, but one day we shall see clearly, and understand fully this Infinite Creator, but only after the shackles have been removed from our finite minds.

My response to those who try to think up paradoxes and contradictory puzzles and statements to try and trip up believers, I say to you this- try and picture in your mind complete nothingness- the total absence of everything. If you can do that I can answer any and all questions you have pertaining to God. (However it is impossible, for even a vacuum is "something", a void is still space). You see, absolute nothingness is an infinite concept, one which our finite brains try to understand, but can only come up lacking, for we are shacked by our finite limitations...So one day, when God had healed this broken creation and believers share in eternity with the Uncreated, we will have our answers. Until then, God comes from that which no man can understand, before the constraints of time and forever more to be.
Food for thought...