Middle children have issues all their own. They aren't oldest, who get to experience things first, who never really had to deal with hand-me-downs, and are often doted on as the responsible one. Nor are they the baby, who seems to get away with everything, and are coddled and not held responsible for anything. And the middle child is - there. I was number two out of five, but was the oldest boy so much of my experience reflected that of the oldest. But today's post is about a middle child- a very special, much loved middle child...
When I was young I had an uncle- Uncle Mac- who was the favorite of all us kids. He just resonated on our level, always knew what was fun for us, and sometimes engaged in activities with us that pushed the boundaries that our folks had established. But it was okay, because we were with Uncle Mac. Unfortunately, he died young, around fifty years old if I remember correctly, and there was a huge void in our extended family. As I grew older I heard different family members comment that I was like Mac, that I was filling that role for the next generation. However, I knew I fell far short of filling Uncle Mac's shoes, for he was effortless fun,,,
This week my kids all traveled to Florida's east coast for a cousin's wedding. They spent a couple days with me prior to going to the east coast, and will return for a couple more days. Three kids, two kids-in-law, and five grandkids all in my cozy home. So lets take all these divergent threads and pull them all together...
I relived my Uncle Mac this week, reincarnated in my middle child, my son Ryan. I have watched him parent his boys with great love and discipline, but watching him interact with all the kids was living Mac all over. Ryan so seamlessly, so effortlessly interacted with each, taking time to teach, to explain, to play with his nieces and nephew- Uncle RyeRye is definitely loved by all the kids. Now I love all my kids, and am proud of each, for who they are, for what they've accomplished, but this week I'm feeling especially proud of my middle child, for giving selflessly into the little lives around him, for going that extra mile to make my grandkids feel so important... Thank you Ryan. Keep up the good work. I love you, and am proud of you...
Food for thought...
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