This past Friday in a political campaign speech in the Alabama primary President Trump made a comment to the effect that it would be nice to see an owner of an NFL team fire a player who kneels during the National Anthem.... Immediately there was blow back that Trump was being racial, because the players began kneeling (or Kaprenick did) in protest to racial inequity.
Let me first address Kaprenick's protest- he lives the American dream- a marginal, or at best average NFL quarterback who had part of one good season- making millions of dollars to play a kid's game, who never has to work again if he manages his millions right. How is he being put upon? He's a hypocrite, for he didn't take his money and help those black downtrodden people around him. He takes a knee and calls it protest...
But let's look at the issue- he is disrespecting our anthem and flag, which represents the men and women who shed their blood to protect our freedoms- to protect his right to protest- men and women of all races and colors. I don't object to his right to protest; our constitution gives him that protection, but I do object to disrespecting the very country and its flag and anthem that provide you those freedoms. It isn't a matter of color- I don't care what color you are- if you disrespect our flag and country, if you don't like the country that gave you everything you could ever hope for, then get the heck out. Go to a country that will torture and kill you for disrespecting the state.
I suggest that, if you want to protest, find a medium that isn't disrespectful or incendiary. As a fan I'm offended by these athletes' actions, and I for one will not spend my money going to games, or buying their jerseys or endorsed products, as long a s they disrespect mt country, and I don't care what color they are. It's not a color issue with me, it's about respect.
Food for thought...
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