Wednesday, January 05, 2022


 I was reading in my devotions this morning a letter to Diognetus, a tutor to a Roman Emperor, penned by an unknown author about A.D.256. In it he writes the following: 

"For Jesus is Lord of this creation. He is the One who, with the Father, both conceived and created the heavens. He set the boundaries of the oceans and mire than that. He governs the mysterious laws that hold all elements in their delicate balance... Yes, all things - in heaven and earth and under the earth, the sea and all that passes within its currents, fire and air, spirits in the heights and depths He holds the key to their well-being and peace. The Father sent the Son to this, His own now-fallen creation, to announce the gift of new life." 

He goes on to say, "Now the worldly powers impose their government and their plans, by pressure and the use of terror. But God does not impose His will over us in this way. Take note of this for there are already false teachers among us who use fear to manipulate."

I was struck by this, for it could have been written about many of our leaders today. They preach the end of our world as we know it- melting ice caps and horrific acts of nature hurricanes, fires, tornadoes, drought, flooding, and on and on. They preach their message of gloom and doom and yet, not once have I heard them mention, for example, when we break a heat record that has stood for a hundred years, that a century ago people were experiencing very similar weather and somehow survived!

 Do I think climate change is real or a hoax? Let me say this- I do believe we do bad things to our climate, things that can affect our health, the environment, other living things, and we should work to correct them, for we were made to be stewards of this earth and all that live on it. But is the earth going to die like the doom and gloomers predict? No, absolutely not, for God owns this creation, as fallen and broken as we may be, and He has promised to heal it, to make it whole again, in His time, and no man knows the day. I don't think we should be swayed by these "false prophets" who use lies and fear to promote their radical agendas- specifically this "progressive wing" (more accurately "socialist wing") who pronounce doom and gloom unless we do things their way. 

I have a choice- listen to the fear mongering rhetoric of the left or believe and trust in God, the creator and author of all things and what he has promised. Do I want will imposed on me or life promised me? Two diametrically opposite styles, only one path that endures. Choose wisely. 

Food for thought...

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