How do I begin to write my heart? How do I begin to try to express how incredibly blessed I feel in our relationship? Words seem to escape me...
I know you have a hard time believing me sometimes, when I tell you how beautiful I find you, yet if somehow you could see yourself from my perspective my words would make perfect sense, and the truth of my words would be all too evident to you. You sometimes compare yourself to others, in light of my words, and find fault in the believability of my ardor toward you. I recognize that there will always be someone younger, or prettier, or more handsome, or funnier, or smarter, more sophisticated, or richer, or smoother than we might be, and such comparisons will always find us wanting. So I compare you only to the desire of my heart, and to my heart there is no one that matches that desire as perfectly as you. To my heart, you are the most beautiful, the most desirous of women, exactly as you are. Any imperfections that you might see in yourself are only those things that make you so uniquely you...
I love doing life with you, doing those things we do together, the sharing of the mundane, of the everyday things we all must do which alone can be tedious or boring, but with you they are enjoyable, for we work together. I love the twinkle in your eyes, the smile that is always playing around your lips. I love your questions, and your willingness to share, to get to know each other's likes and dislikes, turn-offs and preferences. I love that surprise when I'm able to expose another facet of myself, when I reveal a strength that you can appreciate. And especially, I love your appreciation that you so openly express to me- appreciation for me, and for those things you allow me to do for you. I love our friendship, and the closeness I feel to you.
If you could somehow understand my heart and you could appreciate how fully you fill it, your consternation over my truths would quickly pass. Your kisses, your caress, your smile, the music of your laughter, fills me up. I find my life happier now than before you, I am content to share that which was once so personal and private with you, and it is clearly evident that I meet needs and desires in you. So thank-you for your friendship, for your openness, for your willingness to extend grace when I am not all I should be. Thank-you for being so uniquely you, and so so perfectly beautiful to me, just as you are.
If, through some unforseen cruelty of life, we were forced apart, if I was unable to be with you again, though my heart would be broken, it would still revel in the memories of you and our times together. You have made my life better, just by being in it and for that I am deeply grateful. I pray we have many more months and years together, to learn of each other, to do life, together.
I am, and will remain, your humble admirer.
Dale "Bud" Brauer
Wow. Who is this mystery woman? Are you going to post her picture? I'm curious as to your tastes.
I knew she was out there - I am so very happy for you!
And he remains out there for you too, my Dear Friend, so don't give up hope! You remain in prayers. I hope Bro S is doing well, for he remains in my prayers as well... It is always a pleasure hearing from you! Be well.
I'm happy for you, Bud, and a bit jealous too. I would love a letter like this! You write eloquently, and seem so sincere. Are you for real?
Hi Belle.
Thank-you for taking the time to read and comment, and I assure you I am for real, and flawed, and often disappointing. But I am willing to try, to be mentally flexible, and to extend the same grace that I'm often needing when things are not perfect... It seems like I have been alone for so long, even within the context of past relationships,that meeting someone now who is willing to spend time to get to know me a bit is so welcome and refreshing... I think the real queston is, "Is she for real?"
Congratulations she is a blessed girl!! I have watched you in person, read your writings and have been intrigued at your unique gift for writing from your heart and through a filter of transparency. Your sense of humor, your heart and passion for others and your love for God are all so genuine. I pray that God has brought to you the one that will give you the desire of your heart. You deserve it. Thanks so much for sharing your story it continues to encourage me to believe that all things are possible.
Dear Anonymous,
Thank-you for such kind words, though often I feel they are so undeserved. I find myself often hiding behind humor and wit, behind a sense of false bravado, if you will, and don't feel at all genuine or transparent in my inadaquacies... I truly feel that I am the blessed one, and am in awe at God's goodness and grace as I process this relationship, for I alone am fully aware of my inadaquacies that I conceal so well within my strengths... I just pray that, as this relationship grows, as we tend to become more open and vulnerable, that grace abounds, and our focus is to protect the other's heart... Thank-you for reading, and writing, and your support, my anonymous friend...
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