I received an e-mail from my baby sister last week, inviting me to check out this site that she and her husband found, called Kiva (http://www.kiva.org/). After several days of putting it off I finally checked it out, and am I glad I did. It is an organization that helps 3rd world entreprenuers by matching them up with those who have the means to help. It's not just a donation society, rather loans are requested and monies raised with the full intent that these people will repay from the profits of their ventures. You can loan as little as $25 at a time, (or as much as you want).
The really cool thing is, you choose the entrepreneur you want to sponsor, the amount you want to
sponsor, and then you can follow the progress in your portfolio. I was amazed at how many people sponsored those same entrepreneurs I did after I did, and from (literally) all over the world! I felt really good at the thought of making a specific personal impact in someone's life, but after seeing how many people join in I got really excited! This is a neat program, and if anyone wants a personal invite I'd be happy to send you an e-mail with an invite, just drop me a note to my e-mail, (found under my personal info). Sometimes we need something that gives us a warm fuzzy... Maybe this will do it for you like it did for me!

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