My daughter is cu
rrently in the midst of a 5-week missions trip to Haiti. She called one night, a week into her trip, and excitedly told me all about her trip thus far. One thing she especially marveled at was the millions of stars she could see in the night sky. The thought came to me of how we gaze into the heavens, amazed at the millions of stars we see, but the reality is, because it takes hundreds of light years (and more) for the light from those stars to reach us, we really don't know if those stars are still live or if they've burned out... We might be staring into a cosmic graveyard without even realizing it. But one thing is true- as we stare into the night sky and admire the heavens we are actually staring into the past, into what those stars were hundreds of light years ago...

When we look to the stars we look to the past. When we look around us, at our lives, our kids, our jobs, our desires, this is our present, and we need to learn to live in the moment, to enjoy today, for there is only one today. If we are always living in our past then we miss today, until it becomes our yesterday, and then it's too late. If we always plan ahead, look to the future then our awareness of today is when it's still tomorrow- something to be anticipated, but no place to live. The ability to live in the moment, to appreciate today, is what gives our lives flavor, adds depth and meaning to our days... Learn to stop and smell the roses (literally and figuratively!)
Our faith is our tomorrow, and our hope is our future. Some lack faith, some feel hopeless, and their tomorrows are bleak to be sure. But, as a Christ-follower, my faith is in God, and my hope is in an eternity with Him. What better future could one aspire to? So I live in today, and I aspire for tomorrow, and am warmed by the memories of my yesterdays...
Food for thought...
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