To be alone is not the same as to be lonely. I can't believe how long it's taken me to realize this simple truth, when in fact I've lived it's wisdom most of my life... I have always been a loner, even in the midst of people, guarding and insulating the "real me" behind a facade of humor and extroversion. To know the real me is a feat of gargantuan porportion, that so few have accomplished that I can number them on one hand, for in my innermost being I am a social recluse, while appearing to be socially extroverted. To penetrate that veneer takes time and trust, and all to few have had enough of the one to earn the other, and so I live alone in my mind, content in the knowledge that I am secure in my ability to fool others...
Yet am I not fooling myself, for if I claim to be one way yet live another, who am I really? What is truth and what is facade? Perhaps to live long enough contrary to the true me is, at some point, to begin to own the contridiction as truth...
I should add that while often in my later life I find myself "completely" alone I really am not alone at all. I am so grateful for my relationship with Jesus Christ, for God's grace to allow me to be in community with Him at any given moment, that loneliness is not an option. Sure, I occassionally allow my focus to be on myself and feel sorry for myself for past relational failings, but He is always there to remind me that no matter how bad I screw up He is waiting to love and forgive me... Perhaps someday He'll drop a mate into my life that has the same grace and forgiveness and I can taste a bit of Heaven here on earth before my days are done... And Hope lives on...
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