Tuesday, March 18, 2014

OBAMACARE: The Figures the White House Doesn't want you to know...

Let's face it, the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, has been far less than advertised. Although, to be fair, it was advertised by Nancy Pelosi as, "You want to know what's in it, then vote for it". The American people were basically handed a "pig-in-a-poke" by the Democrats, or more accurately, the far leaning left. After it was rammed through Congress on a straight partisan vote, using questionable procedural tactics we did indeed find out what was in it. And buried deep within the dozens of new taxes, the new layers of government hierarchy, the massive expansion of government, are some good ideas. I've commented on those in the past. But of more interest today are the resulting numbers this act has caused, numbers the administration would prefer you didn't know.
The concern was for the "millions of uninsured" who couldn't afford insurance under the old system. The concern was for "more affordable" health insurance, with greater choice of hospitals, doctors, and plans. We were told we have to help those without insurance, or those with pre-existing conditions, etc., to make healthcare fair and affordable. Or so these were the concerns we were told. Well, I'm not going to quote the bushels of statistics that show Obamacare has done exactly the opposite of what they claimed they wanted. I'll just look at the overall numbers, those Obama prefers not to share.
First, Obamacare was supposed to help those without insurance get insurance. What did the Act actually do? Some six million Americans lost their insurance plans because they didn't meet Obamacare standards. Some 4.8 million have signed up for Obamacare, and let's assume they were all "uninsured", so the actual result is a minimum of 1.2 million more people are now added to the numbers of people without insurance. But the reality is worse than that, for many of those who signed up already had insurance; they just shifted from private plans to the government exchange to take advantage of subsidies or lower rates. So while we don't know exactly how many just shifted their insurance we do know the number is substantial, and the real number of "newly uninsured" is conservatively closer to 3 to 3.5 million people.
Second, as of February 1st, roughly half of those 4.8 million people who signed up have failed to make their premium payments, which, in effect, means the insurers are not honoring their policies, which means they are being counted as "insured" by the administration but should really be added to those "newly uninsured" numbers. Adding those numbers to the others we now find that the reality of Obamacare is we now have somewhere between 5.5 and 6 million people without insurance thanks to Obamacare. We also have more and more doctors retiring, quoting all the restrictions of the new law as the reason, thus lowering our "choice", and making the promise, "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" nothing more than another lie. We have insurers restricting networks, and hospitals, thus restricting our "choice" further, thus making the promise of "more choice" another lie.
We could go on examining all the promises versus the resulting reality of the Affordable Care Act but it is clear to any rational human being that, at this point, the whole of Obamacare was not an effort to make healthcare affordable to those who didn't have it. Rather it's design was to take over the healthcare industry, approximately one-sixth of our private economy, changing it from a privatized system to one that is government controlled, thus increasing the size and scope of government, and ultimately increasing the number of people dependent on that government. Otherwise, we can only conclude, if creating affordable healthcare was its goal, that this administration is the most bumbling, inept, and totally clueless administration ever, for they doubled the number of uninsured, cut back many hundreds of thousands of workers jobs from full-time to part-time, increased the cost of healthcare while narrowing its offerings, and made many more Americans dependent on government.
No, Obamacare was a socio-political act to increase the scope and power of the left, a power grab of historic proportions. For the more people the government controls the more votes its politicians control. America was built from the ground up, from the people, by the people, for the people. Big government is nothing short of ultimate Socialism, built from the top down, to control the people. You may not mind the government dictating to you what insurance you buy, or even if you have the right to own or carry a gun, but one day you may regret allowing them to grow so strong when they're dictating to you how many kids you can have, whether you can own property, how many cars you can buy, and so on. The day is coming, my friends, unless we wake up and put a stop to it. Beware when your government offers "protection" at the cost of your freedom, for the sacrifice of freedom ultimately places you in danger from the very people who promise to protect...
Food for thought...

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