Monday, March 03, 2014

The TEA PARTY- The next step?

A few years ago, when the Tea Party broke into the political arena, I found what they were fighting against quite interesting. As a fiscally conservative Independent I could appreciate their stand against big (and growing) government, against free-spending liberalism, against the growing control of government over our lives, and against our growing and out-of-control debt. They captured the attention, and more importantly the heart of many Americans, and the result was a number of Senators and Congressmen elected to try and curb these issues. But, while starting out strong, the Tea Party has begun to lose some steam. They have gotten heat, not only from their liberal Democratic opponents, but also from their "fellow" Republicans, the party from which they've sprung. So what should they do next?
I would suggest two courses of action, which can be accomplished simultaneously. First, the time is right to distance themselves from their Republican roots. Instead of all the party "in-fighting", as Democrats like to point out and chuckle, they should step out and form their own party. I've met both Democrats and Republicans who claim to be fiscally conservative; this would allow them the opportunity to put up or shut up. A third political party, especially one such as the Tea Party, would break the stalemate and gridlock we've come to grudgingly accept out of Washington. If the Tea Party can capture a significant number of seats in the upcoming election then breaking off as the party of conservative Americans everywhere it would force both Democrats and Republicans alike to work together. Many Republicans serving today are labeled RHINOs - Republicans in name only. Politicians would be forced to form new alliances, even across the aisles, to achieve their goals.
The second thing the Tea Party needs to do- and it's survival is dependent on it- is to stop telling America only what it's against and develop a comprehensive platform of what it is for. Limited government, and how they plan to shrink it. Reducing the debt, and what steps they will use. A balanced budget. Returning to governing by our Constitution- the one written in 1787 and has guided our great nation for several centuries, not this "living", changing Constitution which isn't our Constitution at all, rather an alternative to that threatens to destroy the very fabric of our country. It's time to spell out not just what we're against, but what we're for, and give Americans a real choice at the polls.
Clearly Americans want change. Fifty seven percent don't want Obamacare, but a hundred percent want to know what would replace it. The debt is the biggest problem to a majority of Americans, but we all want to know how to fix it. Government is growing and spending out of control and the majority of Americans don't like it, but we all want to know how to stop it. Americans want answers, and if the Tea Party can step up and give them they can become a political force strong enough to reclaim our country, to give it back to the people, as it was originally intended. Our forefathers would never recognize this mess we currently call our country, and if they were here today they would, in all probability, do something drastic to change it. They sure didn't spill their life blood to free our nation from the shackles of oppression just to watch our own government re-shackle its citizens. They would take action to take their country back. Can you say "revolution" anyone?
Food for thought...

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