I've touched on atheism in my past writings, but today I feel compelled to address it again. Atheism is the belief that there is no God, that we evolved through evolution, beginning with the Big Bang Theory...
Let's look at evolution first, for the very foundation of atheism rests in its belief as true. So how does evolution stack up in the face of science? First, science deals in that which it can measure, observe, and dissect. The theory of evolution is just that, a theory, one man's postulation of what might have happened, and subsequently accepted by a large portion of the populace as being "true". It is not grounded in any fact, it is not an observed science, it is merely one man's "best guess" as to what happened many millions of years ago. Science does have laws, however, laws that have been tried and tested and found to be true, like the laws of Thermodynamics. The interesting thing is that, specifically, the second law states that any environment, when left to random mutation, goes from a state of order to a state of disorder. Science actually states that we should "de-evolve" if the theory of evolution were true. Yet we are not de-evolving, nor do we see species "evolving" today (ie. half man / half ape).
As for Creationism, or the belief that our universe was created by a higher, intelligent order, or God, atheists claim we are fools to believe such with blind faith. Yet the very word "universe"- "uni" meaning "one" and "verse" meaning "spoken" is declared in the very beginning of Scripture. "God said, 'Let there be...'". God spoke and created order out of chaos, the very opposite of evolution. With all of Nature a display of such an orderly creation how is it difficult to place our faith in such? It is a far more difficult belief that, after a cosmic explosion, our world cooled and somehow a single cell amoebae was miraculously birthed, then continued to split and grow until there were all different species, with their own unique DNA, their specific unique characteristics, all from that first single celled organism. Wow. That's faith. It would be easier to believe that, if a tornado were to tear through a junkyard, that it could pick up junk parts and deposit on the other side a perfectly formed Mercedes Benz, a speedboat, and a Harley Davidson motorcycle. Yet any atheist would tell you that it could never happen, that you'd be crazy to believe it. However, the odds are far better of that happening than for the theory of evolution to have come to pass. So who really needs blind faith to bolster their beliefs?
So why do people refuse to believe in God in the face of overwhelming evidence of order in nature? I believe that it is a a relief mechanism to alleviate guilt in their lives. All to often we want to believe we control our destiny, that we know what is best for us, rather than trusting that there is a higher power out there. If we accept the premise of God then we must accept that we don't answer to ourselves, but to a higher authority, and for many that's bothersome. We must face the guilt of our wrong-doing, our sin. However, if there's no God then there's no guilt. No God, no guilt. It is a cheap out in the face of overwhelming natural evidence of an ordered and orderly universe which defies the theory of evolution... It takes far more blind faith not to believe in God that to believe in Him with all Nature singing His praise...
Food for thought...
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