As I was perusing some of my old blogs (yes, I do go back and occasionally read my stuff... Some of it actually still makes sense to me!) and I noticed I've referred often to "truth". Yet as I grow older I realize that "truth" is not consistently defined by society. Sometimes truth is absolute- water is wet, the sun is hot, snow is cold. Most people don't have problems recognizing absolutes in nature as true, but when it comes to our personal lives absolute truth is much harder to acknowledge.
Somehow truth morphs from absolute to conditional when our personal lives are concerned. Conditional truth is when we rationalize around absolute truth to justify our position or words or actions. Example: a man complains about his wife's nagging, or indifference, or lack of affection as a reason for his having an affair. Suddenly the absolute truth that an affair is adultery and adultery is wrong has been changed to "adultery is justifiable because my spouse drove me to it". Conditional truth.
Unfortunately truth is not conditional. It does not depend on our emotional responses to others or situations- it remains constant no matter what our feelings or responses. Truth is an attribute of God, and God is absolute, therefore truth is absolute. "Conditional truth" is merely justification, or rationalization, not truth at all. When we find ourselves rationalizing, or justifying, it's time to stop what we're doing and recognize the absolute truth we're trying to ignore and change our words or actions accordingly.
As a side note: When we are truthful we don't need a good memory, for truth is truth and does not change. It is when we pervert the truth that we need good memories, for we have to remember what lie we tell so not to confuse it with our next justification or fabrication. Conditional truth is lying to ourselves in the hopes of convincing others that what we say is true...
Food for thought...
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