Sometimes we find ourselves faced with a decision- a life-altering decision- and the choice we face is, do I step out in faith that making a change could ultimately be so much better, healthier, and fulfilling for me, or do I fall back to what is known, what may have been comfortable in the past? All too often we are cowards, defaulting to the known, even though it has become unhealthy, either physically, mentally, or emotionally, because something is better than potentially nothing.
What we don't factor in, especially those of us who claim to be Christ-followers is that He has our absolute best at heart, and what we've chosen to pass on in favor of the "known and comfortable" may be abundantly greater for us had we just had the faith.
I know that in my past I have been guilty of choosing the known over the possible. I remember many years ago when I was relatively young at the business, my old boss offered me the choice of a salary and small commission or a much healthier straight commission. I had a family and I chose the salary because I could count on it. It turned out that I was the best salesman he had ever hired and he saved tens of thousands of dollars on my decision. I was a coward. I chose the known.
I know there have been times relationally that I should have walked away from a bad relationship, yet I persisted in it because it was a known quantity, rather than trust God had someone better for me- or even no one at all, if that was best for me at that point in my life. I guess my whole point is, that we need to brave potential new frontiers in our lives, that if our past has been unhealthy then we shouldn't "settle" just because it's a known quantity. Why settle for hamburger when God is waiting to serve you a steak?
Food for thought...
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