Friday, February 23, 2018


“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Stated of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Under God- really? In this day, in our society we have removed God from almost all aspects of our society. We deny Him in our schools, we segregate Him out of our government, and we even try to remove Him from the celebration of His birth on this earth. We try to pigeon-hole God into “religion”- confine Him to the Church, then label those who believe “right-wing” or “bigots” or “fringe”. Yet I don’t believe this is the belief or desire of main-stream America.
Our country was founded on the principal of freedom of religion, the belief that each person or group should be able to worship God in their own way. Our founding fathers were men of faith, and God played a prominent role in the establishment and structure of our country. And our Republic has lasted longer than any other, our Democracy a model that other free nations have tried to emulate. And yet we have placed our Democracy in peril, because we have listened to the voice of the few over the silence of the many. Our apathy has removed God from the very institution He played so prominently in establishing.
We wonder today why our Congress is so inept, with approval ratings in the single digits. Perhaps it is because we no longer look to God for direction or instruction. We were created to be social beings, to live in community with God and each other. However, when we stripped God from the equation – the creator of that desire for community- and we rely on our own means to get along we fail miserably. We need God in our government; we need God in our schools; but most of all we need God in our homes, for that is where revival will have to start. God has been removed from the home, the grassroots of our society, and when we choose, as individuals, as families, that we want God back it will start in the home.
Food for thought…

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