Sunday, September 01, 2024


I visited a new church this morning, or to be more correct, a church new to me. The people were quite friendly, and the pastor preached a very good message, one that was scripturally accurate, at least until his final point. Now, in his defense, I've heard the passage preached and interpreted EXACTLY the same way he did this morning, and probably the way a majority of pastors would interpret it. However, just because the majority views a passage one way doesn't mean there isn't validity in a minority viewpoint. 

The passage in question was John 15:7, where Jesus says, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." Now the pastor preached that bearing much fruit and proving to be Jesus' disciples brings glory to Father God, and I do not disagree with that, however, there is no grammatically correct reason to place a comma after "glory". If, on the other hand, you want to tie the Father's glory to a previous thought then the comma is necessary. That little comma actually changes the focal point. In what brings glory to the Father? That we abide in Jesus and allow his words to abide in us, so that we have the faith to ask for anything in Jesus' name, and it will be granted. I checked in every translation and even transliteration I had, and every one included that comma, so it must be important.

You see, when we abide in Jesus, and allow his words to permeate our lives, our desires become the very desires Jesus wants for us. Therefore, when we act in faith and ask for WHATEVER we want in Jesus' name, and we believe it will be granted God is glorified by our obedience and faithful words and actions. Further, our obedience produces fruit, and this also glorifies God, as does our actions proving to be Jesus' disciple. But it all starts with asking, in Jesus' name. That's what I believe that little comma is telling us.

Food for thought...

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


 The Mediterranean Diet emphasizes recipes that are plant-based with healthy fats, a moderate amount of dairy, and minimal amounts of red meats, processed foods, and added sugar. It is not necessarily a strict diet, rather it is more of a healthy living choice. As with most diets, the Mediterranean diet emphasizes daily physical activity in your routine. The Mediterranean Diet has produced a myriad of beneficial results. When science began studying the populations of the world in the 1950’s they found that those in the Mediterranean basin tended to be healthier, live longer, be better fit, and have fewer health issues, and they contributed it to diet and lifestyle. Some of the benefits they found were:

 • It is anti-inflammatory and can help maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels

 • Supports good gut bacteria 

• It is heart healthy and can reduce the risks of strokes and total cardiovascular disease.

 • It can help elderly improve brain function and longevity. 

• It helps manage Type II diabetes.

 • It helps with weight loss 

With proper diet and physical activity, it is possible for one to optimize brain function, improve cholesterol and blood pressure, ward off anxiety and depression, and defend against chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. 


 1. Eat five servings of produce a day, produce being fruits and vegetables. An example would be two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables. A serving would be equivalent to one-half cup of cooked vegetables or one cup of raw vegetables. Try to prioritize nonstarchy vegetables, like dark leafy greens, bell peppers, and broccoli. Starchy vegetables, like potatoes, can be enjoyed in moderation. A serving of fruit would be a piece of whole fruit or a half cup of fresh, frozen or canned. Some of the best nutrient-dense fruits include berries, apples, peaches, and pears.

 2. Eat at least one serving of legumes, nuts, or grain each day {or all three, if possible!) 

3. Three servings of whole grains daily is ideal. Serving ideas include a slice of whole grain bread, or a half cup of cooked oatmeal, whole grain pasta, or brown rice. Simple ways to include more whole grains would be to swap out white pastas and rice for sides like quinoa, bulgar, or wheat berries. 

4. Dairy and cheese can be enjoyed in moderation. Prioritize low fat and non-fat options whenever possible. Some healthier dairy includes feta, Greek yogurt, goat cheese, halloumi, Manchego, parmigiano, pecorino, and ricotta. 

5. Meats and seafood are allowed in moderation. Fish is one of the best options because it is high in omega three fatty acids, “healthy fats” that supports good heart health, and helps to lower your triglycerides. When enjoying red meats (I.e., beef, goat, and lamb), prioritize smaller portions and leaner cuts. Chicken is a good source of lean protein. Meat and seafood sources include: chicken, eggs, red meat, octopus, salmon, sardines, shrimp, and tuna. 


One of the important aspects of the Mediterranean Diet is the use of “Healthy Fats”. Using 100% virgin olive oil, which is rich in monosaturated fat (lowers your LDL) is far healthier than butter or Margerine, both high in saturated fats (a no no!). Other healthy fats are salmon (fatty fish), vinegars (apple cider, balsamic, red wine), and whole grains. It isn’t specific recipes that make the diet worthy, rather the lifestyle choice to eat fresh foods over processed foods, to limit sodium intake, and to learn moderation in those “less healthy” choices we’ve come to enjoy. We can still enjoy eating, but when let healthy choices and moderation be our guide, along with daily physical activity we are on the road to our heart-healthy lifestyle! There are numerous specific recipes available on the internet using our listed ingredients by simply Goggling “Mediterranean Diet Recipes”, as well as services that will deliver meal kits based on the Mediterranean Diet. Or, now knowing the ingredients, be creative and make your own healthy culinary masterpieces! Best wishes as you start down the road to a longer, healthier life!


Here are a few recipes to help you transition to your Mediterranean diet lifestyle.

 1. Mediterranean Salads:  Salads are a great choice for a meal on this diet, but salads don’t have to be boring! I use either romaine lettuce (which is darker, leafier lettuce) or iceberg lettuce (it holds up better over several days). Tear your lettuce into bite-size pieces. (Tearing keeps lettuce fresher than cutting it up with a knife, which releases chemicals that cause lettuce to brown faster). You can also add spinach to your lettuce for variety. I like to add a combination of the following: mandarin oranges, strawberries, seedless grapes, radishes, cucumber, tomato wedges, creamy goat cheese, walnuts, bacon bits, and sliced eggs. As you can see, it is easy to get all five servings of your daily fruits and veggies in one salad alone, plus, walnuts are your legumes ration. The eggs add protein. You can also boil or grill a boneless, skinless chicken breast and chop it up and add to a salad for more protein choice. This is a well-rounded choice for a meal.

 2. Spanish Rice Make two cups of brown rice per instructions. When fully cooked add half a can of tomato juice (about 23 oz), half of a green pepper, diced, half of a red pepper, diced, about 7 oz of a sausage or kielbasa, diced, diced tomatoes, (2 Roma), half of a diced sweet onion to the rice and simmer on low heat until the veggies are cooked.... the remaining items are enough for a second meal of Spanish rice. You can also add celery to your recipe. 

3. Tuna fish Drain two cans of tuna fish in spring water (not oil!) and empty them into a bowl. Dice two hard boiled eggs and add to tuna fish. Dice two baby gherkins and add to mix. Add onion salt and garlic powder to taste (approx. a teaspoon or so). Add olive oil mayo to mix until the mixture is somewhat creamy. Serve on multigrain bread with lettuce. 

 4. Egg Salad Take 8-10 hardboiled eggs and dice up well. Mix in olive oil mayo and mustard, in about 4 to 1 ratio, mayo to mustard. Add onion salt and garlic salt to taste. Serve on multigrain bread with lettuce. 

 5. Chicken-Broccoli casserole Boil three boneless, skinless chicken breasts until cooked throughout. Cut up two crowns of broccoli into bite size pieces and blanch in boiling water. (Don’t overcook or broccoli will get soggy.) Layer broccoli in a 9x13 dish. Cut chicken into bite sized pieces and layer on top of broccoli. In a saucepan combine two cans of cream of chicken soup with a cup of olive oil mayo and a dash or two of curry. Stir and heat until the mixture stays together and wants to slide out of the saucepan easily. Pour over chicken and broccoli and spread out evenly. Cover top with 2 cups of shredded cheese, (I usually use a mild cheddar or a co-jack). Bake in oven at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes, or until cheese is melted and turning brown. You can also make this recipe in an 8x8 dish, using one large chicken breast or two smaller ones, one crown of broccoli, and the sauce made of one can of cream of mushroom soup, a half cup of olive oil mayo, and a dash of curry, and one cup of shredded cheese. 

 6. Breakfast ideas:  For breakfast, some of the meals I make for variety are: 

A. 100% whole grain oatmeal with a little brown sugar and honey, with 2% milk.                                     B. A grapefruit, lightly sugared, and either two hard boiled eggs, or a banana, or grapes.                         C. A fried egg serves on multigrain bread with a slice of real cheese.                                                         D. A bowl of Honey-nut Cheerios with a sliced banana and 2% milk. 

Some things to keep in mind as you transition to this way of eating. To lose weight remember that breakfast is an important meal as it kicks off your day. Your lunchtime meal should be your biggest meal, and then a lighter meal in the evening. Eating a big meal in the evening when your activity dramatically drops off doesn’t allow that meal to help your diet. If you find yourself getting hungry between meals, snack on fruit, or trail mix, things that are far healthier than cookies or ice cream, etc. Also, it doesn’t matter how well you eat, without some exercise your body cannot properly burn your meals. Walk, swim, or choose an exercise that you enjoy. An fyi- a rowing machine gives you a full body workout and you can regulate the difficulty.


VEGETABLES  / FRUITS / LEGUMES, /  HERBS/SPICES                                                                                              NUTS,GRAINS                                                                                                                                                      

  Artichokes       Apples           Barly                    Allspice                                                             Avocado          Apricots          Buck                      Wheat Basil                                                           Beets               Cherries         Bulgar wheat          Bay leaves                                                                    Bell peppers    Clementines   Cannellini beans     Cannellini                                                           Broccoli          Dates             Chickpeas               Anise                                                                  Cabbage          Figs               Couscous                Cinnamin                                                           Carrots            Grapefruit      Farro                      Clove                                                                     Celery             Melons          Fava beans              Cumin                                                         Cauliflower    Nectarines      Kidney beans          Mint                                                               Cucumbers     Oranges          Lentils                    Dill weed                                                           Eggplant         Peaches          Navy beans             Garlic powder                                                           Kale                Pears `            Oats                        Onion powder                                                         Leafy greens  Pomegranates  Orzo                       Nutmeg                                                               Spinach         Strawberries    Pine nuts                Olive oil                                                           Tomatoes       Tangerines       Pistachios               Oregano                                                             Potatoes          Bananas         Quinoa                    Parsley                                                                   Sweet potatoes                      Walnuts                   Rosemary                                                          Turnips                                 Wheat berries          Sage                                                                   Zucchini                               Yellow split peas     Sesame seeds                                                         Olives                                   Almonds                 Tahini Onions,                                                  Pumpkin,                                                              Paprika, Thyme,                                               Radishes, and scallions                                      Vinegar, and Za’atar      

Wednesday, January 05, 2022


 I was reading in my devotions this morning a letter to Diognetus, a tutor to a Roman Emperor, penned by an unknown author about A.D.256. In it he writes the following: 

"For Jesus is Lord of this creation. He is the One who, with the Father, both conceived and created the heavens. He set the boundaries of the oceans and mire than that. He governs the mysterious laws that hold all elements in their delicate balance... Yes, all things - in heaven and earth and under the earth, the sea and all that passes within its currents, fire and air, spirits in the heights and depths He holds the key to their well-being and peace. The Father sent the Son to this, His own now-fallen creation, to announce the gift of new life." 

He goes on to say, "Now the worldly powers impose their government and their plans, by pressure and the use of terror. But God does not impose His will over us in this way. Take note of this for there are already false teachers among us who use fear to manipulate."

I was struck by this, for it could have been written about many of our leaders today. They preach the end of our world as we know it- melting ice caps and horrific acts of nature hurricanes, fires, tornadoes, drought, flooding, and on and on. They preach their message of gloom and doom and yet, not once have I heard them mention, for example, when we break a heat record that has stood for a hundred years, that a century ago people were experiencing very similar weather and somehow survived!

 Do I think climate change is real or a hoax? Let me say this- I do believe we do bad things to our climate, things that can affect our health, the environment, other living things, and we should work to correct them, for we were made to be stewards of this earth and all that live on it. But is the earth going to die like the doom and gloomers predict? No, absolutely not, for God owns this creation, as fallen and broken as we may be, and He has promised to heal it, to make it whole again, in His time, and no man knows the day. I don't think we should be swayed by these "false prophets" who use lies and fear to promote their radical agendas- specifically this "progressive wing" (more accurately "socialist wing") who pronounce doom and gloom unless we do things their way. 

I have a choice- listen to the fear mongering rhetoric of the left or believe and trust in God, the creator and author of all things and what he has promised. Do I want will imposed on me or life promised me? Two diametrically opposite styles, only one path that endures. Choose wisely. 

Food for thought...

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

CRT is Just a Symptom

 We are a mess today. Our society is so divisive, so polarized, that many don't have a clue how to fix it. The problem is, there is no quick fix, for this problem has been years, decades, in the making. A large part of the problem has been steeped in good intentions- our desire to make life easier for our children- and in doing so we have created a weaker, less resolute generation susceptible to societal inflences detrimental to our nation's founding principles.

We are a capitalistic society, based on the principles that anyone could succeed if they just have the drive, the chutzpah, to stay with it. My grandfather, my father, exemplified this and I learned from them. Yet society as a whole moved in a different direction. The 1960's was a decade of free love and experimentation. It churned out a generation of permissible, weak adults who didn't raise their kids as much as allowing schools and society to mold them. And our institutions of higher education were already teaching humanism and the root principles of socialism by the 1990's.

Our base problem is this; the progressive left in society now teaches that everyone should get the same opportunities as everyone else. They believe that there should be wealth equality, or the rich pay more so we have more to give to the poor. In the name of "social justice" they are undermining the very tenets that made our country great. They build social programs on the backs of these ideas to lure in the lower and middle class with promises of getting stuff "free". Well, there is no free. These tenets they are pushing are found in the fundamentals of socialism and Marxism and if history teaches us anything it us that these fundamentals are abject failures where ever they have been tried. 

Look at Venezuela, one of the richest nations in natural resources in the world. Twenty years ago Chavez promised many of these same things and today the vast majority of Venezuelans are poverty level poor and poorer, many dumpster diving for food and subsistence. The same ideology was preached in Cuba and today the country is in turmoil and ripe for revolution. Socialism, communism, Marxism doesn't work because there is no incentive to make it work. It strips the population of their self esteem, their self worth and creates a dual society of the vastly wealthy and the poor. No socialistic country has had a middle class that lasted any length of time, for it is always a casualty of socialism and Marxism.

So what is the answer? We need to return to what made us great that human spirit that said anyone could succeed if they just try hard enough. We need to quit handing people " freebies", for the bill to pay for those will one day come due. We have already mortgaged our children's economic future and the out of control spending taking place in government today is fast mortgaging our grand children's future as well. Everyone is equal, but not everyone is the same. Saying that doesn't make me racist or bigoted, or any of the -phobes the left wants to to label me with. No, it makes me honest for calling it as it is. If you work 60 hours a week and provide a good home for your family and I live off of government assistance and barely scrape by we may be equal as human beings, but we are not the same. You have taken command of your life, your future, and you are getting somewhere while I live off handouts from the government which strips me of my self esteem and personal worth.  Take away my handouts and I have nothing. That is my fault and I have it within myself to change it. We all do, we just need to be reeducated on how to tap into it. 

It is going to take time to fix our problems for we have to go back to the basics, we need to teach our upcoming generations these principles again. You are your own success story. No one can give you success, you earn it. We've lost that truth in our progressive humanistic Marxist teaching which now permeates all levels if education. We need to stop teaching our kids these lies and teach them their world is only limited by the limits of their imagination. Success isn't regulated by the color of your skin or the social strata you were born into no, success is for those who choose to stand up and take it. We are our greatest hope, and yet today we are our greatest enemy. We need to conquer ourselves to have the hope of attaining our vast potential... 

Food for thought...

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Enough is enough!

I'd like to take a moment on behalf of George Floyd to say to these "protesters", " Enough is enough! " Protesting is a right of all Americans, voicing disapproval over wrongs or injustices is part of our first amendment rights. But protests, peaceful protests take place in the light of day, where our message can be heard, not at night which cloaks the actions of those wishing to loot and destroy buildings, businesses, and communities, all in the name of- what? Not the memory of George Floyd, for he would be the first to condemn their actions. Not to right social injustices, for breaking the law and destroying communities and lives never corrects a social injustice.
The violence rocking out cities, our nation,  which began as a protest over social injustice, has become an excuse for those interested in destroying what they can't have, what others worked their lives for, which these "protesters"have neither the will not the backbone to legitimately work for. They are thugs, thieves, and domestic terrorists, for their intent is to destroy America as we know it because they aren't happy with their wretched lives.
All lives matter, and what happened to George Floyd was egregious and wrong to anyone with a caring heart. It was shocking and appalling and the injustice needs to be remedied, but breaking the law by burning and looting just compounds the wrong and gives fuel to those who oppose reform. Instead of breaking the law let's assemble peacefully, make our viewpoint known, and begin to change things by working together. The vast majority of Americans are good and moral people, not condoning such a wrong such as happened to Mr. Floyd. In his memory let's work for change through peace and dialogue, not through violence and anarchy.
Food for thought...

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Tis the Season...

As we approach another Christmas I'm finding this one different from ones past. This year, with the prospect of not traveling to see family up in the cold and snowy north, nor having any family coming to visit me in warm and sunny Florida I find myself facing the prospect of spending Christmas alone. Strangely, this doesn't upset me at all, for tho I love family and spending time with loved ones I am looking forward to being able to intentionally focus on the season- its meaning, its significance, and its impact on my life. All too often we blow through this season, busy with buying presents, decorating home and office, parties, baking and cooking, visiting friends and family... it can just be a blur, until after Christmas we sit back and blow a huge sigh of relief that we survived another season.

But what is lost in all the hustle and bustle is the reason for the celebration. Jesus was born. Jesus, part of our Godly Trinity took on the cloak of humanity to live among us, show us how to live, and ultimately pay the price for our sin. Jesus made it possible for me to communicate directly with my God, to seek forgiveness for my sin, and to rest assured that my eternal destiny lies safely with Him. Without Christmas there is no Easter, there is no personal reconciliation, there is no hope of eternal security. And in the light of eternity, my few years on this earth are but a  blip- so Jesus' selfless act is the single biggest gift I could ever receive. This is worthy of remembrance, this is worth the time to slow down and reflect, to appreciate, and to be grateful. It is a time to give God the awe and reverence He so justly deserves for the sacrifice He made. This season I hope to celebrate Christmas with my God.
Food for thought...

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

The ABCs of Intentional Living...

This year has been a busy one for me, specifically because my first book made it through the publishing gauntlet and became available to the public earlier this year. It is called "The ABCs of Intentional Living" and is a book on how to get more out of our daily lives, how to break free of living in a rut and enjoy life more. It is an easy read, not long, and available on Amazon in either print or digital format. It is also available at Barnes and Noble in print or nook format. Help me out and buy a copy!
My second book is now in the publishing stage, set to be released sometime around Thanksgiving or Christmas of 2018. It is a book on a number of issues that Christians often ponder and puzzle over and offers some new and unique insights, some serious, some fun, and some outside our mental boxes. It is called "Tackling the Toughies: Christian Issues We Ponder and Puzzle". I hope you will support me and check it out too!
Thanks to all who have followed and supported me in the blogosphere!

Monday, February 26, 2018

Hamburger or Steak?

Sometimes we find ourselves faced with a decision- a life-altering decision- and the choice we face is, do I step out in faith that making a change could ultimately be so much better, healthier, and fulfilling for me, or do I fall back to what is known, what may have been comfortable in the past? All too often we are cowards, defaulting to the known, even though it has become unhealthy, either physically, mentally, or emotionally, because something is better than potentially nothing.
What we don't factor in, especially those of us who claim to be Christ-followers is that He has our absolute best at heart, and what we've chosen to pass on in favor of the "known and comfortable" may be abundantly greater for us had we just had the faith.
I know that in my past I have been guilty of choosing the known over the possible. I remember many years ago when I was relatively young at the business, my old boss offered me the choice of a salary and small commission or a much healthier straight commission. I had a family and I chose the salary because I could count on it. It turned out that I was the best salesman he had ever hired and he saved tens of thousands of dollars on my decision. I was a coward. I chose the known.
I know there have been times relationally that I should have walked away from a bad relationship, yet I persisted in it because it was a known quantity, rather than trust God had someone better for me- or even no one at all, if that was best for me at that point in my life. I guess my whole point is, that we need to brave potential new frontiers in our lives, that if our past has been unhealthy then we shouldn't "settle" just because it's a known quantity. Why settle for hamburger when God is waiting to serve you a steak?
Food for thought...

Friday, February 23, 2018


“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Stated of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Under God- really? In this day, in our society we have removed God from almost all aspects of our society. We deny Him in our schools, we segregate Him out of our government, and we even try to remove Him from the celebration of His birth on this earth. We try to pigeon-hole God into “religion”- confine Him to the Church, then label those who believe “right-wing” or “bigots” or “fringe”. Yet I don’t believe this is the belief or desire of main-stream America.
Our country was founded on the principal of freedom of religion, the belief that each person or group should be able to worship God in their own way. Our founding fathers were men of faith, and God played a prominent role in the establishment and structure of our country. And our Republic has lasted longer than any other, our Democracy a model that other free nations have tried to emulate. And yet we have placed our Democracy in peril, because we have listened to the voice of the few over the silence of the many. Our apathy has removed God from the very institution He played so prominently in establishing.
We wonder today why our Congress is so inept, with approval ratings in the single digits. Perhaps it is because we no longer look to God for direction or instruction. We were created to be social beings, to live in community with God and each other. However, when we stripped God from the equation – the creator of that desire for community- and we rely on our own means to get along we fail miserably. We need God in our government; we need God in our schools; but most of all we need God in our homes, for that is where revival will have to start. God has been removed from the home, the grassroots of our society, and when we choose, as individuals, as families, that we want God back it will start in the home.
Food for thought…

Relationships- Sometimes it's All About Timing

I've often said that relationships can be difficult, and for a variety of factors. Sometimes relationships have run their course, the shared desire to make one work is gone, or perhaps distance has strained it, or one side has allowed the relationship to become inequitable in an unhealthy way. There are many other factors that could lead to the termination of a relationship, but what affects the beginning of a new relationship?
One of the most damaging things to the life of a new relationship is wrong timing. If one party is not really ready to enter in then the relationship could be in trouble. Let's say, for example, that I was just in a long-term relationship- one that I invested several years in- and at the end I was the one who decided to walk away. I still need time to grieve over the loss of what was a very prominent part of my life. I am not ready to just start pursuing  a new relationship. And then there's my ex-partner, who may still desire to try and fix the dysfunctional relationship, so there will be attempts to talk, to reconcile, before final acceptance is achieved-if ever.
My first relationship after my divorce was with a woman who divorced her husband, despite his desire to try and make their marriage work. She was done, but he wasn't. During our four-year off-and-on relationship he was constantly in the picture, for she continually allowed him to do work around the house, build her a deck, et al., because he desired to be close and she was willing to use him. It caused a serious strain on our relationship. When it comes to romantic relationships one needs to be finalized- on both sides- before beginning a new one if one wants a chance at optimal success.
If you don't allow time for healing then what does that do to your new beau? He or she becomes a "rebound" relationship, a filler that helps alleviate the pain and aid in the finality of the previous one. Now, it's possible that a relationship with this beginning can survive, but it causes unease for the new beau. (Add to that the game-playing that seems to permeate the dating scene nowadays and it's a wonder we have healthy relationships at all today).
Personally, I have become accustomed to being alone, and am perfectly comfortable being single. Being single is not a sickness. Yet there are times I remember the beauty of a good and healthy relationship- the sharing, the love, the memories. I would welcome being in relationship again, but I will refuse to play the stupid dating games. I'm too old for that. I don't want to be a rebound, I don't want to be used to teach someone a lesson. I want to pour love and attention out on someone special, and have that love reciprocated. I want to know what my mate expects, what they want in a relationship. I have so much to offer, but I need to know their expectations to see if it's viably possible to achieve. I am willing to make that monetary commitment to a relationship, and the time commitment that relationships require- most are willing to do these- but I am also willing to make that emotional commitment, which is laying my heart out there to be vulnerable to hurt and devastation if my mate chooses not to protect it. Being emotionally available is perhaps the most difficult element of new relationships.
So timing is important if we want optimal success. I know a woman, a beautiful woman, inside and out, and was attracted to her from our first meeting some several years ago. At that time she was engaged in a long-term relationship, which recently she left. Now the temptation is to move in and sweep her off her feet with romance and attention, but that's not healthy for her or me. I'm sure there will be residual contact and effects from her last relationship that need time to be dealt with. I'm sure that she needs to lay that relationship to rest, and that takes some time. she needs to recover emotionally so she'll be able to give her best to the next relationship. Now I risk losing the opportunity to ever develop a relationship with her, to her old beau or another new one, by allowing her time to heal, especially if she wants to move forward immediately- but I only want the best- for her and for me, for we deserve nothing less. Sometimes it's all about timing.
Food for thought...

Friday, December 15, 2017

I have been absent from the blogging scene for a while now, and extend my apologies to anyone who had been interested in reading something new. It is not without reason however, and I'd like to explain my absence. Since even before my retirement several years ago my daughter had encouraged me to write a book- she even said she'd read it!- (which, I figured, meant two sales anyway!). Well, after a long and sometimes laborious process things finally came together and I wrote a book, submitted it to a publisher, and had it accepted. After a few rewrites, editing, and corrections it finally made it through the process and into the cover artwork and design. I'm happy to say that it is now in the"hard printing" stage and will be available in about six weeks!
The book is entitled, "THE ABCs OF INTENTIONAL LIVING" and is a practical, Christian-based book on how to live within your means, make the best use of your time, and how to be more productive and happy with your time and life. It should be available at all brick and mortar stores, like Barnes and Noble ,etc., and also from Amazon. The book is $12.95 and the e-book is $9.99. I really appreciate the years of support and if you think it may be a help to you please pick up a copy!
I'll continue my blogging and hopefully be more diligent in the future! Thanks to all who read....


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Take a knee...

This past Friday in a political campaign speech in the Alabama primary President Trump made a comment to the effect that it would be nice to see an owner of an NFL team fire a player who kneels during the National Anthem.... Immediately there was blow back that Trump was being racial, because the players began kneeling (or Kaprenick did) in protest to racial inequity.
Let me first address Kaprenick's protest- he lives the American dream- a marginal, or at best average NFL quarterback who had part of one good season- making millions of dollars to play a kid's game, who never has to work again if he manages his millions right. How is he being put upon? He's a hypocrite, for he didn't take his money and help those black downtrodden people around him. He takes a knee and calls it protest...
But let's look at the issue- he is disrespecting our anthem and flag, which represents the men and women who shed their blood to protect our freedoms- to protect his right to protest- men and women of all races and colors. I don't object to his right to protest; our constitution gives him that protection, but I do object to disrespecting the very country and its flag and anthem that provide you those freedoms. It isn't a matter of color- I don't care what color you are- if you disrespect our flag and country, if you don't like the country that gave you everything you could ever hope for, then get the heck out. Go to a country that will torture and kill you for disrespecting the state.
I suggest that, if you want to protest, find a medium that isn't disrespectful or incendiary. As a fan I'm offended by these athletes' actions, and I for one will not spend my money going to games, or buying their jerseys or endorsed products, as long a s they disrespect mt country, and I don't care what color they are. It's not a color issue with me, it's about respect.
Food for thought...

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Social Civility...

As a Christ-follower I believe it is time to take a stand, to do what small part I can to begin to unite the divide in our country, right down to my own little community. I am an Independent, but have friends who are both Republicans and Democrats, who are also Christ followers. Yet I have seen such bitter, rude comments from both sides- attacks that have gotten down right personal, over political issues. I think it's time we stop hiding behind the anonymity of the internet and, as, Christ followers, step up and show those we disagree with the respect and love that our Lord does. The proper response to an inflamed situation could make all the difference in diffusing anger and hostility. Perhaps if we step up as Christ followers we might be able to enact change...
Note that I say Christ-followers rather than Christians, because in today's society many claim the title of Christian for political or societal expediency without the slightest clue what being a Christian means. An example: I heard a lady say that she was a Christian, but if you want to try and convince her that the narrow minded way of thinking that Jesus is the only way to heaven then move on. She believed that there are many paths to God. How do you explain to that mindset that the whole foundation of Christianity is the belief that Jesus, and his sacrifice of his life on the cross is the basis of our faith. No, to her Christianity is a religious designation, as it is to many others, rather than a way of life. So I designate, use "Christ followers", because  it's more specific, more accurate than "Christian".
So brothers and sisters, let's begin to make a difference. Let's fight anger and hostility with love and respect. Let's allow the pans of ignorance to be diffused by our humility. Let's begin to live together again. It no longer matters who you voted for, because we're now past that; what is important now is that we are all in this together. I like the analogy that it's like we're all on a plane together, and half the plane is hoping we crash while the other half hopes we don't. Bottom line is tho, if we crash we all die-both sides. What good does that do? Instead, let's work together to make the best of the situation, dispute what differences we may have, and in the end we may all may safely arrive at our future destination together.
Food for thought...

Saturday, May 20, 2017


Middle children have issues all their own. They aren't oldest, who get to experience things first, who never really had to deal with hand-me-downs, and are often doted on as the responsible one. Nor are they the baby, who seems to get away with everything, and are coddled and not held responsible for anything. And the middle child is - there. I was number two out of five, but was the oldest boy so much of my experience reflected that of the oldest. But today's post is about a middle child- a very special, much loved middle child...
When I was young I had an uncle- Uncle Mac- who was the favorite of all us kids. He just resonated on our level, always knew what was fun for us, and sometimes engaged in activities with us that pushed the boundaries that our folks had established. But it was okay, because we were with Uncle Mac. Unfortunately, he died young, around fifty years old if I remember correctly, and there was a huge void in our extended family. As I grew older I heard different family members comment that I was like Mac, that I was filling that role for the next generation. However, I knew I fell far short of filling Uncle Mac's shoes, for he was effortless fun,,,
This week my kids all traveled to Florida's east coast for a cousin's wedding. They spent a couple days with me prior to going to the east coast, and will return for a couple more days. Three kids, two kids-in-law, and five grandkids all in my cozy home. So lets take all these divergent threads and pull them all together...

I relived my Uncle Mac this week, reincarnated in my middle child, my son Ryan. I have watched him parent his boys with great love and discipline, but watching him interact with all the kids was living Mac all over. Ryan so seamlessly, so effortlessly interacted with each, taking time to teach, to explain, to play with his nieces and nephew- Uncle RyeRye is definitely loved by all the kids. Now I love all my kids, and am proud of each, for who they are, for what they've accomplished, but this week I'm feeling especially proud of my middle child, for giving selflessly into the little lives around him, for going that extra mile to make my grandkids feel so important... Thank you Ryan. Keep up the good work. I love you, and am proud of you...

Food for thought...

Friday, May 05, 2017

Wiser Choices...

I believe in truth. However, I believe that there is more than one truth. There is absolute truth, truth that doesn't change irrespective of time or circumstance. God is absolute truth. Then there is is conditional truth, or truth that may or can change due to changes in our situation or circumstance. Often times conditional truths in our lives can change at the whim or directive of those who impact our lives. Conditional truths are often a matter of perspective and can be unreliable and damaging.
I began pondering this after reading an actual account of four people fishing out on the ocean in small boat. There were three men and one boy, the son of one of the men. Somehow the boat capsized and sunk, and the four began to swim for shore. However, there were fierce riptides, and the four struggled to make land. Finally two of the men made it ashore, but the father and son still struggled. The father was a strong swimmer- strong enough to make shore on his own- but he refused to let go of his son in order to save himself. The two were swept out to sea, and never found. The father loved his son enough to die for him. It made me think, to evaluate relationships in my life, and the question arose in my thoughts, "How many people in my life, people that I would be willing to die for, am I also willing to live for?" You see, if we are willing to die for someone then why do we all too often fail to live for them? Who do I live for today?
I came to the sad realization that I am in some relationships that I try to live for and would gladly die for, but if I were to die today I suspect that I would not even be mourned- or minimally at best. It may not have always been that way, but the relationship over time has evolved into an inequitable relationship, where my time and effort to nurture it are unrequited. I  recognize that these situations are conditional truths, for the very nature of these relationships could change at the whim or desire of  another, changing the dynamic and the truth as I experience it. Conditional truths change because we change, others change, because we are unstable in our abilities to control our feelings. Absolute truth never fails us though, for it doesn't rely on feelings or change. God is absolute truth. God is Love. God is just. God is merciful. These are and always have been God's attributes- attributes we can rely on.
So as I pondered those who may only be inconvenienced at my passing I was reminded of an absolute truth. God loves me, and He already proved that love by sacrificing His only son to pay the price for my sin, my shortcomings, and it that Jesus met God's justice through God's mercy- for me! I am a treasured child of the Most High God, secure in His love and grace. To those who fail to return my love, or friendship, to those who refuse to invest of themselves- I forgive you, and please forgive me if I change my choices and time investment to better enhance those relationships that are more equitable in my life. The dividends are far greater, and much more satisfying.
 Food for thought...

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Relational Success...

I'm nearing sixty years old, and I'd like to believe I've learned a little along my life's journey. If I could only pass on one tidbit of information to my children, and even those close to me it would be this:
Learn to be successful in your relationships.
At the end of your life "things" won't matter one iota. New cars, a fancy house, boats, motorcycles, any kind of "toys" we tend to want to collect won't comfort you or keep you warm. Personal relationships will be the source of your comfort- whether it be your spouse, children, siblings, or friends and relatives. Memories will be a source of comfort- memories of good times with others, not things. And the most important aspect of developing successful relationships is learning the art of compromise.

Within the context of a relationship we often find that our idea of doing something varies from our counterpart in the relationship. Ideally the we should talk it out and reach a compromise that both sides find palatable, and move forward accordingly. Yet if one insists on doing it his way, and makes a compelling argument for his desire to do it his way, he isn't wrong- nor is his friend- for they each have their own perspectives, and differing perspectives doesn't make one right and one wrong. It just means there are different ways to accomplish the same goal.
Now, if a compromise isn't reached, then one side will have to give in or the relationship reaches a loggerhead. So what happens to the side that gives in? Even if they "bury" it, there's resentment. One party will have a good measure of the joy they should experience together tarnished by the fact that they "caved" in to the other's will- usually under the pretext of trying to keep the peace, yet in the end they are left with deep seated resentment. Going forward that will create a wall, or a stumbling point in the relationship because they won't want to cave again- even though they may never say a word. It creates an animosity, and creates distance between the two.
But what happens if a compromise is reached? Neither side may get 100% of what they wanted, but both sides get something, and that allows both to feel that they're important, that their desires have merit and consideration within the relationship. Even if one side only gets 10%, or 20% of what they wanted they will still appreciate the gesture and the compromise. Now in this example I've been using one side clearly gets more, but both sides come out winners. It's all about being willing to compromise...
On a personal note, I've had to learn this lesson, and it pains me to admit it took far longer than I wish, for I am very much like that one who can make the compelling argument, who could convince others to do it "my way",  You see, often times my intelligence derailed my relational success. So what if  I do something less efficiently, if it means making someone I care about happy? Do I need to be right, or do I need to be considerate? Most of the time it is impossible to be both. I've learned it's far better to be considerate. I hope it is a lesson my kids and grandkids learn much quicker than I did. Perhaps they won't be as relationally challenged as their Papa...

Food for thought...

Sunday, April 09, 2017

Where Does God Come From?

I am often amazed at how our finite minds try to tackle infinite concepts. God, in His very nature, is infinite, and we are unable to even begin to comprehend Him, aside from those attributes that He chooses to share with us through his Word, the Bible...And yet, people still ask questions like, "If God can do anything then can He make a rock so heavy that He can't lift it?" And the answer, of course, is yes. My God, the Infinite Creator of our universe, can certainly do something so mundane. Don't ask me how, for my finite mind cannot grasp it, but because He can do anything then that is certainly within the scope of His power. Recently I watched an interview of a man, (who I cannot remember his name so as to give him proper credit for his answer), and one panel member asked him, "Where God comes from?" Now I wish I could give his answer verbatim, but I cannot, so the gist of the answer will have to do.
He started out by saying that we live on a continuum, and thus are bound by time, space, and matter. These things define our existence. God however, is not bound by any of these things, for He exists outside our continuum, and indeed created them. He is not bound by them, and if He were, he would be finite also, and certainly not worthy of our worship. Then he explained what, when, and where God created the continuum that defines our existence. The what (matter), the when (time), and the where (space) are all found in what he called God's trilogy of trilogies
Let's look at the very first words God gave us in His Word. The first ten verses of Genesis chapter one read, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". When? In the beginning, the start of time, which consists of past, present, and future-one trilogy. Where? The heavens- defined by specific length, and depth, and width- the second trilogy. And What? The earth, consisting of solids, liquids, and gases- God's third trilogy.
As Creator, God is clearly outside theses boundaries that He created, much like a parents are outside the boundaries they create for their children. Children may not understand their boundaries, and often test them, but a good parent knows they are there for the protection and well-being of the child.In the exact same way our Heavenly Father does not explain all to us, but we can rest in the assurance that He has only our best interests at heart. If we could explain God then there would be no mystery to Him, no reason for our adoration and worship. Someday, for those who believe in Him, and call Son Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior, someday  the Apostle Paul tells us we will know fully, even as we are fully known. Now we see in part, and prophesy in part, but one day we shall see clearly, and understand fully this Infinite Creator, but only after the shackles have been removed from our finite minds.
My response to those who try to think up paradoxes and contradictory puzzles and statements to try and trip up believers, I say to you this- try and picture in your mind complete nothingness- the total absence of everything. If you can do that I can answer any and all questions you have pertaining to God. (However it is impossible, for even a vacuum is "something", a void is still space). You see, absolute nothingness is an infinite concept, one which our finite brains try to understand, but can only come up lacking, for we are shacked by our finite limitations...So one day, when God had healed this broken creation and believers share in eternity with the Uncreated, we will have our answers. Until then, God comes from that which no man can understand, before the constraints of time and forever more to be.
Food for thought...

Thursday, March 30, 2017


I was enjoying a cup of coffee at a local bistro this when a potential, and somewhat innovative solution to our social security funding problem came to mind. We need to first dispel the notion that social security is an entitlement program, for it is not. An entitlement program is one where people get something for nothing. Welfare is an entitlement. Social security, on the other hand, is funded by hard-working Americans who entrusted their monies to the government, who in turn promised to save and invest those monies so Americans would have an income in retirement. Government failed us all, however, by raiding the social security coffers to pay for other government programs. It was, in essence, stealing from the American people. So here's two ways to replace those monies taken from social security...
First, we pay millions out every week to retired and past politicians who were either responsible for the raiding of the coffers or kicked the can down the road, if you will, for others to deal with. They clearly didn't perform their jobs in the best interest of Americans by stealing from social security. I suggest that we immediately stop paying those past congressmen senators, presidents, and staffers their pensions  and put those monies directly back into social security until the principle and  interest on that principle is repaid. After all, why do they deserve to get a pension, that they contributed nothing to, when  they embezzled the hard earned retirement monies of their constituents? Let them go without, and have to rely on social security, until the debt they caused or propagated is repaid.
Second, as social security is not an entitlement, but a trust with the government that the government has violated, it should never be in danger of insolvency ahead of entitlement programs where we give out monies to those who've done nothing to earn them. I've never heard a single politician claim that welfare is running out of money- a program by its very nature gives something for nothing- but social security has been in trouble for years because of government mismanagement. Government needs to first honor the promise of social security to its aged and infirmed, then spend what is left on entitlements like welfare. We might just find that, if free monies stop flowing, many of those receiving them might just find work, and that would also increase monies being paid into social security...
Just a couple thoughts on how to bring solvency back to a program that should never have been placed in jeopardy in the first place. Wouldn't it be refreshing if our politicians decided to put partisanship aside and find ways to work together, applying common sense solutions to years of mismanagement?

Food for thought...