PATIENCE 3-22-2006
"A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense" (Proverbs 19:11). A man's wisdom gives him patience... it made me realize how difficult patience is for me, and just how lacking in wisdom I really am. It's not enough to say wisdom is one of my Spiritual gifts; it is a daily, living exercise of faith in God to do what he's promised; but in His time...
As I struggle to be patient with issues I've given to God I am reminded how lacking in wisdom I really am... It's so easy to get a little learning, a little knowledge, and appear to be "wise", to get puffed up with self-importance... And yet true wisdom comes when I realize the depth of my ignorance, how difficult it is not to fret, or fuss, or "take back" those things I've entrusted to Him... Patience is so much easier when I have a modicum of control over what I'm waiting on; it's when I have no control, when no amount of processing, or problem-solving, or interference will make a difference, it's then that I have to rely solely on Him, to wait for an answer in His time, that patience is so difficult for me. Waiting on other people to reach my conclusions is oh so difficult...
I realized this morning another facet of patience; it is easier to be patient, to wait on God, when I have fewer "things" in my life. I think, as we acquire things, it makes us impatient for those things we want, but don't yet have; we know what we want and want it now. Instant gratification is a desire of children; delayed gratification, learning to wait until the appropriate time, recognizing the right time when we're ready, is a sign of maturity... Realizing patience is a sign of maturity turns my thoughts to James, who exhorts us to become "mature and complete" through perseverance of trials; and to persevere one needs patience...
As I look at the different Scriptures concerning patience, I am especially struck by I Titus 1:16, where Paul writes,” But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life." Patience, unlimited patience, is an attribute of Jesus Christ, one that we are commanded to pursue and emulate... Colossians 3:12 says, "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." (An interesting sidebar here; God, in His wisdom, destroyed the physical evil of this world with a flood. He promised never to do so again, yet man returned to his evil ways, and Satan continued to rule this earth as his domain. Yet God, wise in His unlimited patience, deemed the time as right to send His son as sacrifice for our sin, our evil... Jesus Christ came as a "Spiritual" flood, to wipe out spiritual evil...). It is amazing how patience ties together so many of those attributes God desires us to strive for: perseverance, maturity, wisdom, long-suffering... Patience is an intricate part love, kindness, gentleness, humility, compassion, and faith... Its no wonder God desires us to learn patience, His patience...
With humility comes wisdom (Proverbs 11:2). Wisdom is found in those who take advice (Proverbs 13:10). A patient man calms quarrels (Proverbs 15:18). A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered” (Proverbs 17:27). A humble, wise man, is a peacemaker, who controls his tongue, and his temper…
Father, teach me to lean on you and your understanding, to wait for you and your timing. Give me peace in my spirit as I turn over to you those things and issues that bind my heart; refresh me when I desire to take back those things I've given to you. Allow your patience to grow in me so I may better understand your ways, your wisdom, and your heart for me. Father, make me a humble man; a wise man; a peacemaker who controls his tongue and temper. Thank-you Father, for some small measure of understanding, to allow me to stretch my faith and lean on you even more. I love you Father. Amen.
PATIENCE 3-29-2006
Patience is more than “waiting” on something; it is the gift of God that allows us to not fret, or worry, while we wait. I find I can force myself to wait, discipline myself from refraining from an action. On the surface I may appear patient, but God knows the true turmoil in my heart; the fretting, and wishing, and worrying that continues on. To be truly patient one must learn to completely give those worry things to God and believe He is in complete control. We, no I, must be willing to trust Him to act as He’s already promised, on my behalf, and be content to allow His work, in His time…
Father, help me to remember that these things I fret over, these things that cause me such angst, are under your control if only I am willing to release them. Help me to remember that, if things aren’t happening in my time, then perhaps the time is not absolutely best for them to happen in my life. Please grant me your peace and contentment, help me to release these things to you and not take them back. Father, help me to learn to lean on you, and not my own understanding, for I know nothing in the light of your wisdom. I love you Father, and I know you love me, with that perfect love that surpasses all understanding, so when I err, please forgive me, for I don’t want to rebel against you. Come along side me Lord Jesus, enthuse my life with your grace and power, let my life shine for you, and take these worries that seem so important, so stressful, and deal with them in your perfect time and way. Thank-you Father, for being faithful to me, even when I fail you. I love you. Amen.
Uncle Buddy,
Great stuff! Thanks for your insight... I think you are on to something with patience and giving up control. I think this idea of controling is one of the main things that gets in the way of us and faith in God. When I think of time and patience and giving up control... there are so many times when I think, Aaaggh, I don't have enough time for patience. I can't wait around... time to take matters into my own hands.
Then I have to remind myself, what is time? God is so much more than time and when I think of how he acts, i really begin to realize that time is so relative. I don't have all that much reason to worry.
Keep writing
Thanks for the thoughts Nate. I appreciate the input. I've found that, all too often, when I try to do things in my time it ends up taking longer, the results are far less perfect, and my stress level considerably higher than if I just left it to God as I first intended... Keep in touch My Friend.
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