Have you ever been in a relationship, or in a job, or situation that just seemed doomed to failure? Most of us have, and more often than not we persist in that venture even though we know in our heart of hearts it isn't healthy for us. I'm guilty of this, in my past two relationships, stubbornly hanging in, trying to work out a relationship with someone unwilling to put forth the same effort, the same desire... It takes two people committed to making a relationship work to have a chance at success; if only one is committed you've got your finger in a crumbling dam... So why is it so hard to walk away?
I think stubbornness is part of it; and pride- not wanting to admit failure. Part is comfort of the "known"- being in a bad relationship is better than no relationship at all (is the faulty reasoning)... This fear of being alone and lonely is a powerful enticement to remain in an unhealthy relationship... Yet, if we, if I, would learn to recognize and aknowledge to self unhealthy patterns or relationships and address the problem immediately, if there's no solution or improvement admit failure and move on... How much time and heartache would I have saved myself with this knowledge!
I'm not condoning just walking out at the first sign of trouble; far from it; but walking when the evidence is overwhelming that failure is emminent and success a dream at best...
\ I have found perhaps the perfect relationship; unfettered love and devotion, a desire to please, a love of cuddling, and no arguing at all. Just two kindred spirits, hanging together, enjoying each other, faults and all... It's my dog, Winston, all four pounds of love and devotion...
The question is: Is this blog another one of your failures, which you have jet to acknowledge, because of your pride?
I would have to say Anonymous, based on the number of friends and family who read and enjoy it, that no, it is not a failure. Because many who read know me personally and discuss with me via more intimate means(phone, in person, or personal e-mail) you would not be privy to all the feedback my blog generates. I can understand how you would come to such a conclusion; it is human nature to assume, even without all the facts, and draw faulty conclusions based on inaccurate assumptions. I find it interesting that you would deem this blog "another failure", as if you knew me and my past failures... If you know me why hide behind anonymity, and if you don't how can you make such a value judgement about another with so little information? My pride is not an issue with me; what issues are you wrestling with, my judging friend?
Thank-you for your comment though; I try to address all comments, no matter how inane...
Hi Buddy;
I'm glad that you believe that your blog is not a failure, because some friends and family are into it. As they all wish to be anonymous; and your blog allows people to be anonymous: My question is Why do you have a problem with honest questions from a valid anonymous direction?
Are you not condemning something that your blog allows, as just a means to attack any hint of none-partisanship. This righter knows from first hand experience that you do not report on, or edit off anyone that can well reason against your positions. The world does not need any more self-righteous pontification. There was not, nor is there still any room for the one sided comments of partisan positions. Small wonder that only your anonymous friends and family remain attached to your blog in abject silence. Perhaps you might call this a successful enterprise, but elsewhere it is called klicky, or culty.
From an anonymous witness in Jesus Christ for the glory of God in the Spirit.
If you will post all that I send in favor or against that which you publish, then I will reveal who I am, so that you can see that I am a friend too.
I have absolutely no problem with "honest questions from a valid honest direction". However, it is my sense that you have posted here before and sought to use my blog to argue your condemnations of viewpoints that contridict your own. That is not the purpose or desire of my space, and it is my space. As I told you before, find your own forum to peddle your brand of your self-righteous Christianity.
It is clearly evident, my anonymous "friend", that your posting of comments is nothing more than an attempt to contravene, and it is not my desire to engage in a battle of words or wits with one so inadaquately armed... If I were to take issue with you, on your last comment alone, I would question your choice of words, for you are clearly inccurate in your attempt to appear "wise", or at least in command of our language. First, your claim that my family and friends remain attached to my blog in "abject silence" is both ludicrious and an outright lie. You are calling them hopeless or spiritless in their silence, and nothing can be farther from the truth. I take offense at your unjust criticisms of good Christian people whom you obviously don't know at all, or you would never render such a criticism. Next, claiming my blog as "partisan" again shows your poor grasp of the most basic definitions of the words you choose to attack with. For to be "partisan" there needs to be more than one, and as this blog is solely mine, are you suggessting that I am patrisan to myself? Doesn't make sense "friend". Further, the word you seek would be "cliquey" or perhaps "cliquish" for "klicky" is not a recognized word, and your word "culty" isn't a recognized word either.
Your comment about "the world does not need any more self-righteous pontification" causes me to wonder if you looked in the mirror, for you, in your self-righteous zeal, choose to attack my blog which represents my beliefs, and my feelings, because they do not align with yours, and then justify your judemental spirit as your "right" as a Christian... You lay down a condition that you will reveal yourself, and show yourself as a friend. I say, if you were truly a friend, you would have revealed yourself long ago. My friends are not anonymous to me.
One last critique of your comment Anonymous... when you refer to yourself as "this righter knows..." you should be aware that the word is "WRITER" not "righter"... I believe it was more of a Freudian slip than just your ignorance of our language, for, based on our past exchanges, you certainly believe you are "righter" than me specifically, and anyone else in general...
Might I suggest, you can get those little pocket dictionaries rather inexpensively, and using one might aid you in gaining some command of those big words you're so desperate to use...
I'd like to know how big a failure this "anonymous" person is Bud. He sounds like he'd make a good Pharisee! He sure sounds "proud" himself- self-righteous and judgemental to boot. If he's man enough to criticize he ought to be man enough to declare himself. I guess it isn't enough for us to just enjoy your writing anymore- now we have to comment or be judged as abject, or partisan. Keep up the good fight.
Your friend, JT
Hey JT.
I appreciate the support. I was tempted to collapse his/her comments (I don't know if "anonymous" is man or woman) but instead I responded, and somewhat harshly I'm afraid. It's regrettable that some people feel such a need to rain on other people's parade like this one does, choosing to peddle their own brand of criticism and judgementalism in the name of my Christ. I think whoever it is must be limited in his/her ability to write his own blg so he attaches himself to someone else's work (in this case, mine) like a sucker fish to it's host. It must really stink to be him; something else I can be thankful for! Take care my friend. Thanks for putting yourself out there!
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