I was cast away, on a sea of lonliness, darkness lay heavy all around. I sensed the prescence of others, but the inky black of midnight left them as lost as I. My heart longed for respite, for direction, but I remained adrift...
After what seemed an eternity I felt a summons; not so much audible, but a c

As the dawn broke I could see a rough shore ahead, the surf pounding mercilessly on the rocks, and though the way seemed difficult, perhaps too difficult, I determined that if fate had set this course for me so I must continue on, to pursue the pull on my heart...
After much dilegence I managed a landfall, a lonely, savage shore, yet beautiful in its aloofness. I wondered what land this was, so lonely, yet so beautiful. There was a suggestion of a path, where some person or persons might have gone on before, and so I set off to see where it might lead. I soon found the trail steepened, became more difficult to ascend, and the rocks I climbed sliced razor-sharp through my palms, my knees, as I sought to scramble over one barrier after another. Still something inside drove me on, something inside gave me pause to realize that I was not the first to walk this path of pain. With all my strength, my dilegence, my desire I continued on- until...
Suddenly, coming over the rocks the path descended into a narrow gorge, a mere slit in the face of the rock, barely wide enough for me to squeeze through. I half slid, half fell to the bottom where to my surprise the way was blocked by a massive oaken door. It was magnificent in it's day, set directly into the rock, no hinges, no handle allowed me access. I saw I was not the first to reach this point, for the door bore the marks of those before me. Some had tried to hack their way through, leaving gashes and scars on the beautiful wood, orthers had tried to set fire to it, to burn their way through, for the charred marks marred the beauty of what once was. My heart hurt that such beauty could be so damaged, that some were so cruel to try to destroy something so beautiful, so I set out to repair what damage I could.
From the side of the trail I scooped sand and began to gently caress and rub the char and brands of the fire away. I found a stone, flat and smooth, and gently massaged the slashes and cuts out, to restore the beauty that once was. My labors were long, but I could see the beauty being restored, and, to my surprise, the door responded to my loving touch, and swung inward...
And I walked into your heart...