To continue to learn, to address the depths of our (my) ignorance is a sign of maturity. The old sying that "Ignorance is bliss" is all too true, for when we live unaware of all we don't know there is a sense of well-being, that as long as each day passes all is well. As parents we see it in our kids as they grow out of those prepubesent years and into their teens. They know everything, they have all the answers, and we don't know anything anymore. I remember my dad was the dumbest guy on the face of the earth when I was in school, then one day I came home and he was the smartest man I knew. I asked him when he got so smart, and he said when I grew up.
Some people never grow up, they just grow old. They live in a blissful world where they know everything, where their intellect is never challenged, where ignorance is the unrealized king. So what have I learned as I've aged? I've learned to appreciate God's willingness to continually show me, to remind me the of the incredible depth of my ignorance, the continued revelation of how little I really know...
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