I've mentioned how much I enjoy working on my geneology in past posts, but today I got quite a little surprise. In my reasearch of one of my earliest ancestors, Cerdic of Wessex, said to be the very first King of England, and the founder of the Brittish Royal lineage, I found that I'm linked through three of my ancestors to current Queen Elizabeth II of England. Both our lineages run through the Empress of Germany Matilda Maud, her mother Princess Matilda of Scotland, and her grandmother Matilda De Flanders, Queen of England and wife of William I, King of England. The Queen Matilda is my twenty-six times great-grandmother (29 generations ago). So I must be a cousin to Queen Elizabeth, about a zillion times removed, but related none the less.
So to my cuz I make this offer; Liz, I know you have alot on your plate, being the head of 16 Soveriegn States under the Brittish crown, so if you want help it's here. I'd be glad to run any of the following: Austrailia, New Zealand, the Bahamas, Jamaica, St Lucia, Greneda, or St Vincent, or any combination thereof. I know that asking for help is difficult, especially for proud people like your side of the family, so that's why I'm offering. I hope you're not to proud to take me up on my offer!
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