Now I'm recovering from a double broken ankle, and it is so frustrating. I was told to expect to be 6-8 weeks in a cast (it took seven), and another 3-4 rehabbing in physical therapy. Okay, enough's enough. It's been a month and I still hurt, still swollen, still difficult to walk. Where's the quick heal? Did age finally catch up? Monday the Doctor released me and said I'm on my own now, but there will be pain and swelling "for a long time"... What's up with that? I can't believe it's taking me the "average" time to heal... Well, to all you family and friends who have patiently waited for Father Time to catch up to me, to tell me "ha ha" or "I told you so" your time has come. I am human. I am sadly, weakly unable to heal like I used to. I guess I'm going to have to "be more careful, 'cause I'm not a young man anymore". Boy it hurts to sat that!
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