Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Prophet...

I read this this morning, and felt it really worth sharing. It was written by Stuart Briscoe. "What is a prophet? In Jesus' day a prophet was also called a seer- a person who sees. A seer looks past the immediate to the ultimate. He has been given the perspective of God himself and is able to see the meaning behind events. Unfortunately, because we are committed to the cult of immediacy, in the fast pace of our modern day we often do not realize the consequences of what we do. All we are interested in is an immediate solution to a present problem...
We moderns seem to be more concerned about quick fixes and immediacy than we are about long-term consequences. That's why cosmetic companies are doing so well. As long as we look good we are likely to feel good about ourselves. If we look good and feel good about ourselves, nothing else matters.
Unfortunately, we've bought into a lie. What really matters is not whether I look or feel good, but whether I am good. The true seer can see past the cosmetic (looking good), he can see through the feeling good; and he can concentrate on the issues that determine whether we are good or evil. This was the vision of John the Baptist, and it has to be the vision of anyone who claims to be a real man."

Wow. I think I found a whole new perspective on this "gimme now" generation of ours... There is so much to be learned by stepping back and stepping outside of the rush of society. Thank-you, Stuart, for your insight... for broadening my understanding...

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