Tonight I responded to an e-mail from a friend and found myself writing, "Sometimes it is easier to remain safe than happy". How sad is that! And altogether too true sometimes. I think sometimes we see the risk and forfeit potential happiness all in the name of playing it safe. The potential for hurt doesn't outweigh the potential happiness- in fact the trade off may not even be close- but the potential for hurt does impact our comfort zone. So we pass- on life, on potential happiness, on new and glorious experiences, on the possibility of great new memories to warm us when we grow old... We sacrifice happiness for the sake of safety, of comfort. And we rob ourselves of an abundant life...
Is it better to be safe than happy? I think not, so I have to ask myself, what is holding me back? Why aren't I living out there on the edge grasping for all life has to offer? Well, for now at least, I have an alibi- I broke both bones in my lower right leg last week after slipping on the ice. No jumping or grabbing etc, for a while- Doctor's orders. (I'm such a coward!)
Came to this site to check out your blog...found an answer to what I thought and assumed to be a correct assumption. Yes...it is so hard to take another chance and put your heart out there again, however think of the happiness you are depriving another person by not sharing your life with them. Relationships seem to always cause a certain amount of pain, but love can conquer and one can be happy. Two flawed people with very good hearts can make one wonderful comfort zone for two and maybe that is the key. Living the most of your days and lives with that one true partner..the one you know is right and truly loves you regardless of your flaws.... hoping that those that family will see how happy this person makes you and accept them. Don't let go of the possibility of love. There is someone out there that loves you very much. "S"
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