I think most people today want to know that there's a God, that things aren't just happenstance, or accidental, but that there is a greater power in control. The problem I believe they face, as they search to validate the existance of God in their world, is that they look for the miraculous sign that screams out, "Here I am! I am God!". God doesn't (usually) work that way however. The best illustration I can think of is found in I Kings 19, when the Lord appeared to Elijah.

Elijah was instructed to go stand on the mountain and the presence of the Lord would pass by. He did, and first there was a powerful wind, that shattered rocks and tore the mountain apart. But God was not in the wind. Then there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After that there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. After the fire came a gentle breeze, and Elijah covered his face, for the Lord was in the gentle breeze...
We want God to show Himself in grandeous ways, so that we can have no doubt as to His existence and presence; He expresses Himself in small. quiet ways, and we have to choose to except Him on faith, that those small, quiet events are Him and of Him, or they're not... There's little need for faith when we witness a miracle.
I want to be reminded of how God works, so I've hung up 3 or 4 sets of chimes on my deck, small chimes that tinkle so pretty at the slightest breeze, for God is in the gentle breeze... Food for thought. -
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