I stopped and filled my gas tank this morning. It cost me $53 for just under 13 gallons. As I was driving in to work I mentally did the arithmetic as to what that gas would have cost when I was a child... The result- just over $2.50. Now I'm old, but I'm not that old, that the cost of gasoline should have risen
over twenty times its cost in my lifetime. Yesterday an old friend stopped by my store and as we were catching up he told me that he had to shut down his small business this past year, as many have had to do, and was now working a full-time and two part-time jobs to make ends meet. He commented that he'd heard people say there are no jobs out there, but his comment was that there are jobs, just
not jobs anyone wants. One of his jobs is armed security, and he shared his experience working at the Federal Building when people came in to get their aid checks, and how angry and irate they got if the checks were late. Angry over
free money... Go figure.
I was encouraged by the recent law Florida enacted, requiring people to pass a drug test before they are eligible for welfare. I think all states should adopt it, for you have to pass a drug test to get a job. Fair is fair. I got to thinking about other ways we could better change our society. Try this:
Anyone who pays taxes gets the right to vote. You don't pay you don't play. Period. Right off the top 51% of our country couldn't vote, because that's the percent of Americans who don't pay any taxes. I'm tired of hearing that the "top 2% of wealthy Americans don't pay enough in taxes- how about the bottom half of the country that pays nothing? And to compound the problem, we give tax refunds to people who pay no taxes! Tell me, if the system isn't screwed up, how can someone who pays nothing get a refund? Do away with earned income credits, with loopholes, with all the crap that rewards people for not paying anything and make a straight tax system that is fair to everyone.
Another benefit of the "no tax-no vote" rule would be the effect on politicians. No longer would it be beneficial to pander to the masses who pay nothing and are a drain on the system just to earn their vote, for they would not have that right anymore. You would see the politicians begin to pander to those who pay for everything, the way it should have been all along...

I think we have become a very spoiled, very entitlement-driven society, and that is sad. In an effort to try and make things better for our kids each succeeding generation has, in some small part, enabled their children to feel entitled to more, whether or not it's really deserved. Now we've reached a point where we're too good for certain jobs, where we're entitled to money whether or not we earn it, where we demand what is not owed. Perhaps it isn't all bad if a generation or two doesn't fare as well as their parents- a society adjustment, if you will. It works for the stock market... If so, we'll hear that cry, "Thank goodness for Government cheese!"
Food for thought....
Congratulations Bud. You have expressed what is the growing downfall of the United States...entitlement and its expectations. Keep up the good work. SMB :)
Buddy, We're no longer a democracy. How do we get our democracy back? The majority of Americans agree with social conservatives: 79% believe religion and morality are important to the country; 64% believe there is not enough Religion in School; 88% approve of the works "One Nation under God;" 78% approve of the posting of the 10 Commandments inside U.S. Courtrooms; 81% disapprove of the removal of crosses and other religiously-themed monuments from public property; the vast majority believes that Marriage should be defined as the union of one man and one woman and that Abortion should be outlawed. Why is our government WRONG on every one of these items? Why are the ACLU and liberal judges allowed to overrule the will of the people. Why are we not allowed to vote on these all-important issues? How can we regain that right?
My 2 cents.
I appreciate your time, SMB, to read and express your agreement. And to Rudi, you are absolutely right- as long as the will of the majority is ignored we are no longer a democracy. Your point is well made and well articulated. Thank you. It's time that the Silent Majority to roar...
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