Even before God confronted Adam over his choice, and the violation of God's law, Adam felt guilt, for by choosing to violate God's command he immediately severed community with God. Prior to his eating of the fruit Adam experienced perfect community with the Divine; he could enter into God's presence perfect and unashamed. But after his sin, his willfull disobedience, he could no longer face God, for God cannot be in the presence of sin. Adam felt shame, and guilt, the emotional response to his wrong.
Interestingly, this emotion has become Satan's strongest resource to defeat Christians and drive a wedge between those who don't know Jesus personally and God. God does not allow Satan free will to attack us, so his most effective tools are guilt and intimidation, both designed to stimulate negative emotional responses with us. We become our own stumbling block in our restoration of our relationship(s) with God and man. So many times I heard someone say they "don't deserve" grace, or they are "too bad" for God to ever love them... That is guilt, pure and simple. God has already loved us enough to pay the price for our sin; he has bridged that gap that Adam created and restored to each of us the possibility of entering into community with him again, by sending his son to die on the cross, the perfect sacrifice made out of of a perfect love, to appease perfect justice. So if the price is paid, if the love and grace are extended to anyone who chooses to receive, then why don't we? Guilt, the guilt of our sin.
Look at what David said, as he was tormented by his guilt over his affair with Bathsheeba:
"Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the LORD does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit. When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer. Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the LORD"-- and you forgave the guilt of my sin." (Ps. 32 NIV)
Note that David didn't rejoice or find relief in the forgiving of his sin- God had already forgiven the sin. It was when he confessed his sin, when he acknowledged his wrong then God was able to remove the guilt of his sin. Guilt is the emotional hook that Satan uses to try and control us. And, interestingly enough, it is the hook we use to try and control each other, whether within the family, friendships, and even business. We have become so used to the cause and effect of guilt that we can experience it even when we have done no wrong... Learning to unpack our guilt is a freeing experience, for we break the age-old bond that ties us up and prevents living fully and abundantly... Food for thought...
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