Love means taking a chance, being willing to be vulnerable, even if the other isn't. From the most negative viewpoint it means intentionally opening ourselves up for the possibility of severe emotional pain, yet, from the most positive it means allowing ourselves the opportunity to feel the deepest, most intense, most moving of all emotions. It is the pinnacle, the greatest of all emotions, and even though we don't fully understand what pure and unadulterated love is, that very thing that God is, even in our flawed state we can experience a small taste of what that perfect state is... But we have to be vulnerable, we have to be willing to sacrifice our security, we have to be willing to take the chance of being hurt. To the degree that we don't allow ourselves to be open and vulnerable, it is to that degree we restrict our ability to love and be loved. And we do restrict our ability to receive love as well as give. That is a travesty, for if one wants to love and is denied that in itself is a wound.
But what about when we're wounded? The deeper the love the deeper the wound. The more precious the memories the harder and longer to heal the wound. I don't think we ever really heal from those really deep wounds; we recover, we move on, we learn to transfer those affections to others. But a sight, or sound, or smell might trigger a memory, and your heart feels a pang, a stab, from the depths of that wound... It's a good thing, then, if we've moved on, and experienced love anew, for our new love can help us build new memories, new desires, salve for our past wounds... Though they may never fully heal, if we love again they can help us fully appreciate what we have in our present...
It is Dawn from match - the one with the bright idea to clone you :-).........actually you sort of are cloned in my brother -
He is going through a really hard time right now and I know that God led me to you and this blog to share with him for strenthgh and support in those moments when he feels so alone.
If you ever get to NY - stop in -
God Bless You and Make It a Great Day!
Dear Dawn,
Thanks for the note, and your kind words... God does move in ways we sometimes will never understand, but He always takes the road that brings Him the greatest glory. I'm just tickled when I get to be in a place that He chooses to move, for the blessings are awesome. Thanks for reading, and I hope everything works out for your brother. If he ever needs someone else to talk to drop me a note and I'll pass on contact info. God Bless.
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