I learned something else about trust. In my previous blog I spoke of the hurt of being betrayed, and the natural tendency to withdraw. I've learned that there's hurt too, when we're the betrayer, especially if it's unintentional. To experience betrayal, and all the hurt that accompanies it, then to inflict that hurt on another that we care about, no matter how unintentional, is even more devistating. We know and understand the pain of the betrayed, in essence we relive it through the memories of our past experiences, but we add to it the guilt of inflicting it on a loved one. It's a boatload of negative emotion. The only salve is the understanding and grace of the one betrayed, the willingness of the other to remain vulnerable. It makes us appreciate all the more the concept of grace...
Personally, through my past life experiences, I still have issues with trust, and perhaps always will, but I think the main element of trust is commitment, and perhaps with the growth of commitment trust will naturally repair itself... I don't know; I'll have to think about this some more... Food for thought...
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