Once upon a time there was a man, a good man, some even said a Godly man, who walked alone in life. Though he was often alone, he was rarely lonely, for most of his time he walked with God, talked with God, and enjoyed fellowship with Him. Yet as time went on he began to desire to find a companion, a mate to physically walk beside him, so he turned to his Father and made his request known. The Father loved him, and knew the desire of his heart, so he brought into his life a lady.
She was beautiful, inside and out, blonde hair and brown eyes, and a smile that lit up a room. Initially they hit it off well, but as in all relationships that lack perfection soon they hit a "bump in the road" and drifted apart... And he was sad, for there was much in her that he loved. Then, after a time, they reconnected, and their relationship began to grow, even closer than before. But alas, another bump, and apart again. And he even more sad, for he loved her even more than before, and his heart was broken because she walked away so easily, because he seemed to mean so little to her... And so he prayed.
"Father", he prayed", "why is this happening? I love her, and yet she turns away from me. I want to please her, to meet her every need, and want, and desire, to bring joy and happiness, to enjoy her company, and her mine. And yet she rejects me. Why!?" Why would anyone reject one who loves them so, who only wants their best good?"
And God said, "My son, look within your heart, and you will find your answers there. For these very questions you ask you can answer from out of your own experience; for these are the very issues I have in my relationship with you"...
And the man was sad, for the enormity of the truth was overwhelming... And he prayed, "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. I thank you for showing me so graphically the pain I've caused you, for loving me despite my callousness and insensitivity toward our relationship. Thank-you for being there for me, even when I walked away from you." And the Father smiled, in his joy, at his returning son. And He sent another lady into his son's life...
She was beautiful, inside and out, blonde hair and brown eyes, and a smile that lit up a room. Initially they hit it off well, but as in all relationships that lack perfection soon they hit a "bump in the road" and drifted apart... And he was sad, for there was much in her that he loved. Then, after a time, they reconnected, and their relationship began to grow, even closer than before. But alas, another bump, and apart again. And he even more sad, for he loved her even more than before, and his heart was broken because she walked away so easily, because he seemed to mean so little to her... And so he prayed.
"Father", he prayed", "why is this happening? I love her, and yet she turns away from me. I want to please her, to meet her every need, and want, and desire, to bring joy and happiness, to enjoy her company, and her mine. And yet she rejects me. Why!?" Why would anyone reject one who loves them so, who only wants their best good?"
And God said, "My son, look within your heart, and you will find your answers there. For these very questions you ask you can answer from out of your own experience; for these are the very issues I have in my relationship with you"...
And the man was sad, for the enormity of the truth was overwhelming... And he prayed, "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. I thank you for showing me so graphically the pain I've caused you, for loving me despite my callousness and insensitivity toward our relationship. Thank-you for being there for me, even when I walked away from you." And the Father smiled, in his joy, at his returning son. And He sent another lady into his son's life...
PS... A note to those of you who have asked who "the new lady" in my life is... It's a Fairy Tale! It's not necessarily about me! I'm making a point on the goodness of God in responding to our needs, when we delight in Him! Geesh...
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